You will be surprised to know the benefits of tasty sweet lime, skin and hair become shiny and the body also remains healthy…

New Delhi:- No matter how careful you are, many types of diseases surround you as soon as the rainy season arrives. At this time, along with personal and environmental hygiene, it is also important to increase immunity to prevent diseases. Therefore, along with nutritious food, we should also eat fruits that increase immunity in this season. Mosambi is also one such fruit.
A report published in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine in 2012 revealed that its consumption increases the body's immunity. Dr. SK Singh, RK Verma, AK Kumar, AK Singh participated in a study on the immunomodulatory activity of citrus limetta juice on the immune system. Let's find out if it has any other health benefits apart from boosting immunity.

It is said that the high vitamin C content in sweet lime improves the functioning of various organs. Apart from this, it acts as a detoxifying agent which removes waste materials from the body.

Doctors say that the fiber present in sweet lime improves digestion. As a result, it helps in relieving constipation.

Mosambi prevents muscle stiffness and cramps. That is why experts say that athletes should consume more of it.

The nutrients present in it protect the health of bones. As a result, it helps in preventing and curing osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

According to experts, the antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties present in them protect the eyes from infection. Due to this, cataract will not develop in the eyes.

Experts say that the nutrients present in it prevent laziness and fatigue and restore energy to the body.

According to experts, the nutrition present in it helps in reducing the effects of stress and pollution.

Experts say that the nutrients present in sweet lime make the skin glow. Experts say that these will reduce blemishes and wrinkles, as well as increase collagen production and prevent the skin from stretching.

Apart from this, experts say that sweet lime is good for hair problems. It is advisable to consume it to keep hair healthy.

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