Are you also struggling with diseases like cancer then you can also do this work

Health News Desk,Whenever the world's most dangerous diseases are mentioned, cancer is the first name that comes to mind. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), every year 10 million people around the world lose their lives due to this disease. But do you know that if you do household work for just four minutes a day, the risk of cancer can be reduced by three-fourths.

You will get protection from 12 types of cancer!
Actually, researchers from the University of Sydney, Australia have made this claim about cancer in their study. They say that doing hard household chores, lifting heavy things and playing with children can give you a lot of protection from cancer. Researchers say that it is amazing that a little hard work can provide protection from 12 types of cancer including breast and lung cancer.

Professor Emmanuel Stamatakis of Sydney University says that this advice (advice of doing work at home) is to reduce the risk of cancer without spending money. He said that if household work is done with a little effort for only four to five minutes every day, then the risk of cancer can be reduced.

Studied for seven years
The study by Australian researchers has been published in the journal JAMA Oncology. It explains how physical activity affects cancer. Several studies conducted on more than 22,000 people for seven years showed that those who did more physical activity had a lower risk of cancer

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