Shri Krishna had already predicted these 5 things that would happen in Kalyug, now they are proving to be true

Shree Krishna: Lord Shri Krishna had predicted the things that would happen in Kalyug during the Mahabharata period itself. Let us tell you, in the Mahabharata, when the Pandavas were going to the forest after losing everything in gambling, Yudhishthira asked Shri Krishna, O Narayan! Dwapar Yug is ending now, after this Kalyug will arrive. Please tell us brothers what will happen in Kalyug? Then Shri Krishna said, first you all go to the forest and whatever you see there, come back in the evening and tell me. After that all the Pandavas went to the forest. Come let us know about what the five Pandavas told in the evening.

1. Exploitation will happen in Kaliyug

After returning from the forest, Yudhishthira said to Shri Krishna, Madhava, when I was roaming in the forest, I saw an elephant with two trunks. Then Shri Krishna said, Dharmaraj, what you saw in the forest means that in the coming Kaliyug, there will be rule of such people who will say something and do something else. Those who rule will exploit people from both sides. And this prophecy of Shri Krishna proves true even today.

2. Demonic behavior will prevail in Kalyug

After that Arjun said, O Narayan! There were verses of Vedas on the wings of a bird but that bird was eating the meat of a dead animal. Hearing Arjun’s words, Shri Krishna said, Arjun, what you saw means that in Kaliyug, those who call themselves knowledgeable, in reality their behavior will be demonic. They will keep thinking in their mind that when will someone die and transfer his property to them.

3. The child’s growth will be stunted

After that Bhima said to Shri Krishna, I saw a cow licking its calf so much that the calf was covered in blood. Shri Krishna said that this means that in Kalyug, the child’s development will be obstructed due to the mother’s affection. If someone else’s son becomes a sadhu, then mothers will see him but if their own son wants to take sanyaas, then they will cry.

4. No one will help the hungry

After that Sahadev said that I saw in the forest that among the 7 wells filled with water, one well was completely empty. Shri Krishna smiled and said that Sahadev, the meaning of what you saw is that in Kaliyug, if someone keeps dying of hunger, then no one will help him. Rich people will spend a lot on the marriage of their children but if someone nearby is dying of hunger, then they will not help him.

Then Nakul said, Madhav, I saw that a big rock did not stop even after colliding with big trees and rocks but stopped as soon as it collided with a small plant. Shree Krishna said that this means that in Kalyug, the mind will fall so low that it will not be satisfied even with the tree of power, but the chanting of Harinam will stop the downfall of man.

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