Slow metabolism can be the reason behind obesity, boost it with some changes like this, you will become slim and fit within a month…

New Delhi:- The most important thing for losing weight is to have a fast metabolism. If the metabolism is slow, then fat starts increasing. Some people are not able to reduce their weight even after taking a healthy and less diet, while some people lose weight even after eating more. There is only one reason behind this and that is slow and fast metabolism. People who have a slow metabolism also start gaining obesity and also have digestion related problems. Let us tell you, unhealthy diet, less physical activity, stress, lack of sleep and many other things are the reasons due to which the metabolism starts slowing down.

How to Increase Your Metabolism and Lose Weight
regular exercise

Regular exercise helps increase your metabolic rate not only during the activity, but for several hours afterward. Metabolism refers to how your body burns calories, or converts calories into energy for your daily functioning. The rate at which you use energy directly affects how quickly you gain or lose weight.

Even when you're asleep, your body burns calories to maintain basic body functions, such as breathing, blood circulation, and cell renewal. This is known as your basal metabolic rate, or BMR. Normally, this basic maintenance of life takes about 50 to 80 calories per hour, or at least about 1,000 calories per day.
Your BMR accounts for about 60 – 70 percent of the energy you use in a day. You burn more calories when you are active. For example, you can burn up to 400 calories per hour when exercising at the gym.

Beyond your activity level, your metabolism is affected by factors such as your gender, your age, and the amount of muscle you have. Stress, illnesses, and medications also impact your metabolic rate. Metabolism can be affected by the health of your thyroid, a small gland at the base of the neck that regulates your metabolism. If you're experiencing weight gain despite dieting and exercising, you should get your thyroid gland checked.
To lose weight, you must burn more calories than you consume. The Department of Endocrinology and SGH Obesity Centre at Singapore General Hospital, a member of the SingHealth Group, shares 8 tips to boost your metabolism and better manage your weight.

Know here 8 ways to increase metabolism and burn fat…

build more muscle

Muscle burns more calories than fat. The more lean muscle mass you build, the more calories you will burn per day. Include some weight-bearing exercise 2-3 times a week, such as weight lifting, walking or another form of resistance exercise. Carrying your groceries instead of using a trolley can also be considered a weight-bearing activity! Try lifting some hand weights while watching your favourite TV programme. This will help you build muscle and burn some calories at the same time.

Avoid skipping meals

You may think that skipping meals will help you lose weight, but it usually does the opposite. Significantly reducing your calorie intake will slow your metabolic rate, as your body enters “fasting” mode and responds by storing fat and burning lean muscle for energy. Keep your metabolism active by eating at least three meals a day that are no less than 1,000 calories.

Exercise regularly

An exercise regime involving activities such as cycling, walking or jogging will help increase your metabolic rate during the activity and for several hours afterward. Simple aerobic activity such as climbing stairs and cleaning the house can also boost your metabolism.

Go for a walk in the evening

Although exercise is good for you at any time, light activity in the evening, such as a walk around your house, is especially beneficial. Metabolism slows down at the end of the day. About 30 minutes of aerobic activity before dinner will increase your metabolic rate and keep it elevated for the next 2-3 hours. Dinner calories will reduce the chances of being permanently deposited on your hips!

Get enough sleep

Sleep deprivation affects levels of hormones that regulate appetite and the body's ability to metabolize carbohydrates. Without adequate sleep, your metabolic rate decreases because less fat is burned for energy. Your energy levels may decrease during the day, and you may feel too tired to exercise, as well as a tendency to overeat and choose unhealthy foods.

Eat Enough Protein

Protein is an essential element for building muscle. Without enough protein, you can actually lose the desired lean muscle mass.

drink less alcohol

Alcohol can slow down the fat-burning process because your body has to clear the alcohol calories before you can burn fat by exercising and reducing your food intake.

get enough calcium

In addition to strengthening teeth and bones, taking enough calcium can also increase your metabolism. Add some low-fat yogurt to your diet as a snack between your meals.

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