Do you eat food with your hands? If yes, then watch this

Live Hindi News :- In old times, people used to sit on the ground and eat food with their hands. But with changing times, the dining table replaced the ground and people started using hand spoons and forks. You may find these minor, but eating with hands has amazing health benefits. Not only this, when you eat food with hands, it not only fills your stomach but also fills your soul and mind. So let's know about some benefits of eating food with hands
Do you eat food with your hands? If yes, then watch this

Improves digestion

Eating with hands also promotes eating preferences. Eating with hands instead of spoons helps you connect with your food in a better way. Not only this, eating this way makes you more calm and conscious. So that you get maximum benefit from the food.

No burning tongue

When you eat with your hands, your fingers already touch the food and you know the temperature of the food. The person eating the food never burns his tongue. While eating with a spoon, you do not realize how hot the food is, and you end up burning your tongue.

benefits of cycling

When the fingers put food in the mouth, it is a yogic mudra, which stimulates the sensory organs, which maintains vital balance. According to the Vedas, the fingers are related to the third eye, heart, throat, sexual, root chakras. Therefore, when we take food with hands, it triggers the touch and action chakras. Due to which we get a lot of benefits.

Avoid overwriting

When we eat food with hands, we do so very comfortably and with a calm mind. Due to which a person's stomach gets filled with less food. In such a situation, he avoids overeating. Not only this, eating food with hands makes a person feel uncomfortable, due to which once the stomach is full, he does not feel hungry after some time. In this way, you can stay away from weight gain and many other problems by avoiding overeating.

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