Overwork obesity increases weight rapidly, know how to deal with this problem: Overwork Obesity

Overwork Obesity: Is your weight also increasing rapidly, is the stress of work increasing despite your wishes, are you unable to sleep at night…..if you are also facing these problems, then you are becoming a victim of overwork obesity. Yes, there are many types of stress, which affect our body. Especially the stress during work can affect our body both physically and mentally. Currently, every person has the pressure of office, target and client, due to which his personal life is getting completely affected. This is the reason why the young generation is becoming more prone to problems like anxiety, obesity and depression. After all, what is overwork obesity and how can it be avoided, let's know about it.

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What is overwork obesity?

Overwork Obesity
What is overwork obesity

Overwork obesity refers to weight gain and obesity. Which mainly increases due to excessive work related stress. At present, rapidly changing lifestyle and work pressure is promoting this problem. People doing finance, technology and more sitting work are adopting unhealthy habits instead of eating healthy food, due to which the number of patients of overwork obesity is continuously increasing. In the long run, this problem can also cause diabetes, heart disease, obesity and mental problems.

How overwork obesity leads to weight gain

The main cause of obesity is hormonal imbalance. Sitting in one place for a long time, having little physical activity or consuming too much junk food worsens the hormonal response. Whenever there is a change in the adrenaline and cortisol hormones present in the body, the weight starts increasing rapidly. Along with this, one may also have to face problems like diabetes, PCOD, cholesterol and irregular periods.

How to Deal With Overwork Obesity

Avoid Overwork ObesityAvoid Overwork Obesity
How to deal with overwork obesity

– Overwork Obesity does not develop in a day. This is a long-term problem which gradually appears in the body. To get rid of this problem, you have to balance your personal life.

– Due to excessive work, most people get into the habit of stress eating. During this time, a person craves fried, spicy and sweet food. Stress causes hormonal imbalance, which increases our appetite. In such a situation, we have to avoid overeating and include healthy food in our diet.

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– Reduce the amount of carbs in your diet and include whole grains, protein, green vegetables and fruits.

– If you sit for a long time in the office, then the circumference around your stomach can increase. Therefore, physical activity should be done in between office work. For this, you can take a 5-minute walk after every hour and stretch exercises can also be beneficial.

– Your sleep can also be affected due to work stress. Therefore, take the help of meditation or yoga for better sleep. 7-8 hours of sleep every day can help control your hormones.

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