Know the mistakes you can make while eating fruits

Fruits are considered a treasure of health. They contain plenty of vitamins, minerals and fiber which are very important for our body. But do you know that the wrong way of eating fruits can harm your health? Let's know about some common mistakes in eating fruits:

Here are some common fruit eating mistakes that you should avoid:

  1. Eating fruits at the wrong time:
  • Best time to eat fruits: Occurs at breakfast, before lunch, or 2 hours after a meal.
  • When not to eat: Avoid eating fruits immediately after dinner or before going to bed as it can cause indigestion.
  1. Eating more fruits:
  • Even though fruits are healthy, it is not advisable to consume them in large quantities.
  • Avoid eating more than 2-3 fruits a day.
  1. Wrong choice of fruits:
  • Choose fruits of your season as they are fresh, tasty and rich in nutrients.
  • Avoid canned or processed fruits with added sugar or syrup
  1. Eating fruits without washing them:
  • Before eating fruits, wash them thoroughly with clean water so that the germs and bacteria present in them can be removed.
  1. Eating only sweet fruits:
  • Eat a variety of fruits, which have different colors, flavors and nutrients.
  • Don't focus only on sweet fruits, as they may be high in sugar.
  1. Peeling the Fruit:
  • Whenever possible, eat the peel of the fruit, as it contains a high concentration of fiber and nutrients.
  1. Drinking juice:
  • It is better to consume fruits whole rather than drinking juice.
  • Fruit juices are devoid of fiber and may be high in sugar.
  1. Eating rotten fruits:
  • Do not eat rotten or spoiled fruits, as they may cause diseases.
  1. Eating fruit with meals:
  • It is better to eat fruits not with meals, but before or after meals.
  • It improves digestion and increases the absorption of nutrients.
  1. Not eating slowly:
  • Eat fruits slowly and by chewing them thoroughly.
  • It helps with digestion and makes you feel more full.

By avoiding these mistakes, you can get maximum health benefits from the fruit and improve your overall health and wellbeing.

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