US Might Ban Chinese Car Software

Chinese automakers have created a havoc in the American market. They have developed better cars and are giving major challenges to American automakers. America is doing what it does best and that is cracking down on these Chinese cars to protect their own. The Biden Administration now aims to ban car software which have been developed in China or Russia.

The US Department of Commerce has proposed a new rule in which US will band cars with China derived software specially in modern cars with connected car tech and which collect data from passengers and about the US infrastructure. This is being done in regards to a new security initiative by the Biden administration.

The rule will prevent automakers from using software in their cars which has been designed, developed, manufactured or supplied by China or Russia or even have close connections to them. This would go as far as banning the import and sales of these vehicles in American market and will go in effect from 2027 if adopted in reality.

There has also been discussions about introducing a ban on vehicles which will have automated driving hardware from China or Russia and will come into effect from 2029. This would only be for vehicles plying on public roads but not on vehicles like farm vehicles. Even if the vehicles are made in the US, the Chinese and Russian technology will be banned from being sold in the American market.

This intention of these rules is to “secure the American people, including our children, from potential surveillance” said Giana Raimondo, the Biden administrations Commerce secretary.

We are not sure how this rule will be implemented as a lot of the car software and hardware is still made in China. Problem is that it could not just be about cars since most of the tech we use in our daily lives is produced in China and that is why it seems like a clear dig at Chinese made vehicles, specially electric ones which have been posing a major risk to the American automakers.

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