Why is jealousy and distance increasing in the child? Know the reason and solution: Parenting Advice

This is how to eliminate feelings of jealousy and distance in children

In fact, when parents always compare their children with other children and put pressure on them to do better in everything, then a feeling of distance and jealousy grows in the children.

Parenting Advice: It is the most difficult task to make today's children understand and teach them good things. If they are not taught good things intelligently, then they not only develop a feeling of jealousy and distance towards other children, but they also start being jealous of others. Actually, this happens in children when parents always compare them with other children and put pressure on them to do better in everything, due to which the child behaves like this due to stress.

Also read: Never ignore these habits of children

Parenting Advice
Anxiety problem in children

When a child is troubled by anxiety, symptoms like jealousy and envy are visible in him. Anxiety, stress, worry etc. are all the symptoms of mental condition which create jealousy or envy in the mind of children.

Behaving strictlyBehaving strictly
Behaving strictly with children

Sometimes parents put so many restrictions on their children that the children start to feel weaker than other children. In such a situation, parents should understand that being too strict with children weakens their self-confidence and being too strict also creates feelings of jealousy and distance in children.

  jealousy and distance  jealousy and distance
Symptoms seen when jealousy and distance develop in children
  • Not being able to socialize much with anyone
  • Bullying other kids over trivial matters
  • misbehaving with everyone
  • causing anxiety problems in children
  • Making false complaints against other children
  • being sad all the time
  • Not thinking well of other children
  • Talking angrily to everyone
Parenting Tips Parenting Tips
Parents should adopt these Tips
  • In most of the houses, it is seen that parents pay more attention to the younger child and ask the elder child to do everything on his own. They even give all their time to the younger child. But if there are more than one child in your house, then do not pay more attention to only one child, rather give equal time to both the children, so that the gap between them can be reduced.
  • Never bring different things for the children. By doing this, both the children cry for the same thing and if they do not get that thing, they start crying. So whenever you buy something for your children, buy the same things for both the children, by doing this, the feeling of jealousy does not arise in the mind of the children.
  • When you are spending time with your child, make him feel that he is the most special and you love him very much, no one can take his place in life. By doing this, the child feels satisfied and the feeling of jealousy does not arise in him.

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