A powerful food for eyesight and diabetes control – Obnews

Pistachios, known for their delicious and crunchy nature, are also loaded with several health benefits. Pistachios are not just delicious but also extremely beneficial for health. These small nuts are loaded with several nutrients that help improve eyesight and control diabetes. Let's find out how:

Helpful in improving eyesight:

  • Lutein and Zeaxanthin:Pistachios are rich in two carotenoids called lutein and zeaxanthin, which are powerful antioxidants. These antioxidants help protect the eyes from harmful blue light, which can cause eye diseases such as cataracts and age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
  • Vitamin A: Pistachios are also a good source of vitamin A, which is essential for healthy vision. Vitamin A helps keep the retina healthy, which is responsible for converting light into signals that are interpreted by the brain as images.

Helpful in controlling diabetes:

  • Low Glycemic Index: Pistachios have a low glycemic index, which means they don't cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels. This is beneficial for diabetics, as it can help with blood sugar control.
  • Magnesium: Pistachios are a good source of magnesium, which may help improve insulin sensitivity. Insulin is a hormone that helps the body move glucose from the blood into the cells, where it is used for energy.
  • Fiber: Pistachios are also a good source of fiber, which can help control blood sugar levels and make you feel fuller longer, preventing overeating.

Ways to include pistachios in your diet:

  • As a snack: You can eat pistachios raw or roasted as a healthy and filling snack.
  • In salads: You can add pistachios to your salad to add flavour and crunch.
  • In trail mix: You can add pistachios to trail mix along with other nuts and dried fruits.
  • In baked goods: You can add pistachios to baked items like cookies, cakes, and muffins.
  • Pistachio Butter: You can make pistachio butter and spread it on toast, bread, or fruits.

Daily Recommended Amount:

  • For diabetics: Diabetics should consume a handful (about 30 grams) of pistachios per day.
  • For healthy adults: Healthy adults should consume one or two handfuls (about 30-60 grams) of pistachios per day.

Please note:

  • If you have any allergies or health conditions, consult your doctor before consuming pistachios.
  • Pistachios are high in calories, so consume them in moderation if you're trying to lose weight.


Pistachios are a delicious and nutritious food that may provide many health benefits, including improved vision and diabetes control.

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