Start these pre wedding beauty treatments from today itself: Pre Wedding Beauty Treatments

Pre Wedding Beauty Treatments: Every girl wants to have beautiful and glowing skin on the wedding day. For this, girls spend thousands of rupees in the parlor. If you are also going to be a bride soon and want to look the most beautiful in your wedding, then you should start doing some work from today itself. This can help you look the most beautiful on your wedding day. Let's know about homemade pre-wedding beauty treatments-

Also read: Follow these eight tips when going to a salon or parlor

Start a nighttime skincare routine

The bride should start taking care of her skin at night 2-3 months before her wedding. This will make your face look different by the time the wedding day arrives. Remove makeup every night before sleeping. Also, clean your skin with the help of toner. This will keep your pores clean. Apply night cream after cleaning your face. This will keep your skin hydrated and moisturized.

Apply face serum

Every bride should use face serum according to her skin. Face serum is very important for glowing and beautiful skin. While choosing a serum, always keep in mind that it must contain vitamin C. Apart from this, use only hydrating serum.

Eat nutritious food

If you want glowing skin, then it is important to keep the skin healthy not only from outside but also from inside. In such a situation, start taking nutritious food. Remove oily and junk food from your plate. This causes acne on the skin. Apart from this, you should include things rich in vitamin-C in your diet. Consuming things rich in vitamin-C keeps the skin healthy. This reduces the spots and blemishes on the face.

Apply almond face pack

To keep the skin moisturized, you can apply almond face pack 2-3 times a week. This will keep the skin glowing. For this, grind 2 teaspoons of almonds. Now add a few drops of honey and rose water to it. Apply the almond pack on the face for 20 minutes. After this, when it dries, clean it by rubbing it gently like a scrub.

Do this before taking a bath

A few months before the wedding, start applying lemon and turmeric paste on the body daily before bathing. Go for a bath only after applying it for 10 minutes. This will make your whole body shine. If you want, you can massage the whole body with sesame oil 20 minutes before bathing. This will help in polishing the whole body. Often girls focus only on the face and forget to polish the rest of the body.

Make sure to apply sunscreen

The bride has to go out of the house again and again for wedding preparations and shopping. In such a situation, while going out of the house, you must apply sunscreen on your face according to your skin. Apart from this, even if you stay at home, you must apply sunscreen.

Say bye to stress

To ensure that your skin looks healthy and beautiful on the wedding day, do not take stress at all. Stress can damage your skin. It can cause dullness and fine lines on the face. In such a situation, wake up every morning and meditate for 20 minutes. The negative effect of stress damages the skin. It can also cause acne problems.

Hair care is also important

It is equally important to take care of hair along with skin. In such a situation, massage your hair with oil twice a week.
* Step 1: For this, apply warm almond oil on the scalp. Massage the scalp well with it.
* Step 2: Now soak a towel in hot water, squeeze it and wrap it around your hair. Keep it on the hair for about 30 minutes.
* Step 3: Now clean your hair with the help of any herbal shampoo. This will keep your hair beautiful and shiny. You have to do this at least twice a week.

It is important to have good sleep

To keep your skin healthy and glowing till the wedding day, you have to take special care of getting good sleep. Make sure to sleep at least 8 hours every day. Often the skin becomes lifeless due to lack of sleep. Along with this, dark circles also start appearing under the eyes. This makes the skin look dry.

Use a cream containing retinol

Retinol cream is known to increase the production of collagen. Its use can bring a magical glow to your skin. Along with this, premature wrinkles and sagging of the skin also reduce. In such a situation, to get glowing skin till the wedding, definitely consult a certified dermatologist.

Exfoliate the skin

Dead skin cells often take away the glow of the face. In such a situation, brides should take special care and protection of their skin. For this, it is very important to exfoliate the skin regularly. In such a situation, you can use homemade scrub made of walnuts, coffee powder and almond oil. This will keep your skin clean and glowing.

Drink lots of water

Drink waterDrink water
Drink water

Drinking water is very important to keep the skin healthy. Drinking water helps in flushing out the toxins present in the body. Drink 8-10 glasses of water every day. This will also make the face look fresh.

Follow the CTM routine

CTM routine is very important for every girl. Every girl must include it in her skin care. Cleansing, toning and moisturizing are most important for skin care. This will make your skin look flawless and glowing.

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