Know why having a small penis does not matter to enjoy sex

Question: I am 40 years old. I do not have any disease, but my private part is getting smaller day by day. Please suggest a solution?

Answer from an expert

When a person is under stress, the blood in the private part decreases for some time and it seems to reduce in size. When you are relieved from stress, the private part will return to normal. To put it simply, the more you worry it will shrink and the more you relax it will return to normal size. The reality is that it is impossible to be worried and excited at the same time. In the dormant state (when you are not excited) the size of the male genitals does not matter, as it is only used for urinating.

Understand this in brief…

Understand this in brief…

Yes, size does matter when aroused. The total length of a woman's penis is six inches. Sensation is only felt in the anterior one-third or two inches. The rest four inches are unconscious. The logic is that if a man's penis is 2 inches or more when aroused, it is enough for pleasurable intercourse.

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