Healing Energy Surrounds 3 Zodiac Signs On September 25, 2024

It’s Wednesday, September 25, 2024, and our astrological reading for three zodiac signs shows us that healing energy is abundant on Thursday. So much of this is available in our daily horoscopes because of the transit Mercury opposite Neptune. Mercury brings the motivation, and Neptune brings the contemplation. Put them together in opposition and we’re talking major healing vibes coming to get us.

We could all use good healing now and then, considering we build up so much stress from unresolved issuesand for three zodiac signs, much of this day goes to resolving those issues once and for all time. If you feel as though something has snapped inside of you, like you suddenly realize you’re NOT thinking about that person or you just don’t have the desire to punish yourself over some silly mistake anymore, then you are most likely one of these three zodiac signs.

Healing energy surrounds three zodiac signs on September 25, 2024.

1. Cancer

Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva

You’ve had something on your mind, and know that if you start to act out on your thoughts, you may find yourself in a very healthy mindset. You realize things in your life are worthy of being let go, and on September 25, you make the moves to rid yourself of these things.

You’ll see that the transit Mercury opposite Neptune is very mentally stimulating and that it has you wanting more than just a bunch of great ideas floating around in your head; you want action, you want results, and this is as good a day as any to bring that kind of energy into your life.

All of this spells major healing. Because you want to heal, you summon up all the healing energy you can. The universe is compliant and totally down for working with you. Should you wish to take this further, the healing energy of Mercury opposite Neptune will support you in all that you do.

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2. Virgo

virgo healing energy surrounds zodiac signs september 25, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva

What you’re starting to notice about yourself, Virgo, is that while the highs are no longer as high as they once were, long, long ago…so goes it with the lows as well. The lows are no longer as low as they once were, which feels mighty fine to you. Healing energy surrounds you on this day.

September 25 shows you that you can let go of old memories and negative thoughts much faster than you think; the more you release, the more room you make in your psyche for healing and well-being. You are very much on the road to self-healing; you want this, and you’re willing to stick with it.

Because of the transit, Mercury opposite Neptune, you’ll see that you get quick results when you think things through, and so much of what brings you your healing on this day is about your mind and how you perceive the world around you. Today, the world looks like a friendly and warm place, Virgo.

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3. Sagittarius

sagittarius healing energy surrounds zodiac signs september 25, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva

Healing energy surrounds you mainly because you want to be healed and are completely ready to do whatever it takes to become a purer person. This means a lot to you; you’ve had a great life so far and have done a million fun and not-so-healthy things, but you’re older now, and you want to put things into perspective.

You’ll see that it’s all a matter of sticking with your goals, which is pretty much second nature for you, Sagittarius. This transit lets you know that you’re the one who is creating the environment for healing; if you hang in there, you get the gold.

It’s almost a competitive thing with you, Sagittarius. You compete against yourself, and you show yourself that you have the endurance to go all the way, with your self-healing methods, proper eating, and lifestyle. It’s only natural that you would be surrounded by healing energy on this day.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

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