Sports: Uproar over death of young boxer at boxing championship in Mehsana

A young boxer from Surat died of untimely brain death during the ongoing State Boxing Championship organised by Gujarat State Boxing Association at Pachot Sports Academy in Mehsana. Some serious mistakes committed by the association and the referee during the event have come to light.

The head guard and boxing gloves provided by the association during the competition were not from an Olympic recognized company but from a local company in Delhi. According to the rule, the head guard and gloves used in one tournament cannot be used in another event, but the association openly violated this rule.

How the two boxers from Surat met each other is also a mystery. Usually there is only one boxer from a district in the weight category according to the category, but the reason why both the Surats faced each other in the same match is not understood. Apart from this, despite the referee giving three counts, the referee continued the event and the people watching the match shouted and insisted on stopping the game. The video received also clearly shows the referee giving medical treatment to the boxer dressed in blue twice inside the ring. Although the boxer dressed in blue showed more aggression and repeatedly hit deadly punches on his opponent's head, the referee did not try to stop him. Ultimately, after hitting the dangerous punch, the young boxer from Surat died an untimely death. Keeping in mind all the controversy and the safety of the young boxers, the family members will meet Gujarat Home and Sports Minister Harsh Sandhvi in ​​the coming days and request him to dismiss the officials of the association and file a police complaint against them. Responsible officials.

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