99% out of 100 people do not know that cooking these 4 things in aluminium utensils creates poison…

New Delhi:- Aluminium utensils are widely used for cooking in Indian homes. One reason for this is that this metal is cheap. Also, it does not take much time to heat up, which reduces the consumption of electricity and gas. But do you know that some things should be avoided cooking in it? Yes, according to a study, cooking acidic and salty foods for a long time in aluminium utensils can cause aluminium toxicity, which acts as poison for the body.
Tomatoes contain natural acids that can react with aluminium. When you cook tomatoes in aluminium vessels, these acids can combine with aluminium to form harmful compounds. This can not only change the taste of tomatoes but can also have a negative impact on your health.
Lemon, orange and other citrus fruits are also not suitable for cooking in aluminium utensils. These fruits also contain plenty of acid, which can react with aluminium. Eating dishes containing citrus fruits cooked in aluminium increases the risk of body toxicity.

Curd and other dairy productsCurd, buttermilk and other dairy products should also be avoided by cooking them in aluminium utensils. Dairy products contain lactic acid, which reacts with aluminium to form toxins, which can be harmful to the body.


Potatoes contain natural acids, which can react when cooked in aluminium utensils. This can not only change the taste of the food, but it can also have a negative impact on health. It is better to use stainless steel or cast iron utensils to cook potatoes.

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