India became the third most powerful country in Asia in the Asia Power Index, leaving Japan behind

India becomes third most powerful country in Asia in Asia Power Index leaving Japan behind

This achievement represents a significant change in the geopolitical landscape of the Asia-Pacific region.

Asia Power Index: According to an official statement released by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting on Wednesday, India has overtaken Japan to become the third largest power in the Asia Power Index. This achievement reflects a significant change in the geopolitical landscape of the Asia-Pacific region.

India's rise to third place in the Asia Power Index is attributed to its strong economic growth and young demographics, which have enhanced its geopolitical position and influence in regional security affairs.

The ministry highlighted that this achievement is driven by India's dynamic growth, young population and growing economy, which consolidate its position as a leading power in the region. It also reflects the country's rising geopolitical stature. “In a major shift, India has surpassed Japan to become the third largest power in the Asia Power Index, reflecting its rising geopolitical stature,” the ministry said.

The Asia Power Index, launched in 2018 by the Lowy Institute, evaluates 27 countries in the Asia-Pacific region, focusing on their ability to shape and respond to external geopolitical challenges. The index uses eight core measures such as economic capacity, military capability, and diplomatic influence to assess each country's power.

The ministry highlighted that India's rise in the 2024 edition of the index reflects its post-pandemic recovery and economic revival. India experienced a 4.2-point increase in economic potential, driven primarily by its robust GDP growth and position as the world's third-largest economy in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP).

The key factor behind India's rise is economic growth, with the ministry saying the country has shown remarkable economic recovery post the pandemic, which has contributed to a 4.2-point increase in its economic potential.

“India has shown remarkable economic recovery post pandemic, increasing its economic potential by 4.2 basis points. India's large population and robust GDP growth reinforce its position as the world's third largest economy in PPP terms,” ​​the ministry said.

It also noted that India's future resources score improved by 8.2 points, indicating a potential demographic dividend. Unlike its regional rivals, particularly China and Japan, India benefits from a young population that will continue to drive economic growth and labour force expansion in the decades to come.

The index also highlighted India's growing role in multilateral diplomacy and regional security. India's leadership in the Quad and participation in various regional dialogues have allowed it to exert influence in security matters without formal military alliances.

Although its economic outreach has been limited, defence sales such as the BrahMos missile deal with the Philippines point to India's growing geopolitical ambitions.

The Asia Power Index evaluates countries based on eight main parameters, which are divided into resource-based and influence-based determinants. These include economic potential, military potential, resilience, future resources, economic ties, defence networks, diplomatic influence and cultural influence. India's strong performance in these categories reflects its growing role as a major power in the region.

(For more news apart from India becomes third most powerful country in Asia in Asia Power Index leaving Japan behind , stay tuned to Read)

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