Atishi government's big decision, Odd-Even formula will return to Delhi again

Noe Delhi: The Delhi government is working on a winter action plan to curb the pollution that rises every year in October and November. If pollution rises, odd-even can be implemented again in Delhi.

Atishi government held an important meeting to control air pollution. In this meeting, a decision was taken not only on Odd-Even but also on the ban on firecrackers. It is believed that the Odd-Even formula will soon be implemented again in Delhi.

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Gopal Rai said that the government has decided. Any agency, private construction agency, company, government employee who does the best work in controlling pollution will be awarded the 'Harit Ratna Award' to encourage them. Apart from this, those who spread pollution will also be punished. Gopal Rai said that this time we have made a 21-point winter action plan. For the first time in Delhi, a decision has been taken to monitor the hot spots with drones. This will help in finding out the cause of pollution in real time.

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A 6-member STF has also been formed to curb pollution. Private and government have time till October 7, if they do not fulfill the criteria by then, action will be taken against them. All construction sites of more than 500 meters will have to be registered on the portal. 85 road sweeping machines are being installed in Delhi, 500 water sprinkling machines are also being used. This time 200 mobile anti-smog guns will be operated. To curb pollution, the government will make artificial rain in many areas of Delhi.

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A letter has also been written by the Delhi government to the Union Environment Minister regarding artificial rain. However, this rain has been asked to be done only in emergency situations. In such a situation, the government is trying to take timely steps to control pollution this time so that people do not have to face problems.

What is the odd-even formula?

In odd-even, private vehicles are given alternate days on which they can drive their vehicles on the roads and that day depends on the last digit of their number plate. In this, vehicles with the last digit of the number plate 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 are allowed to drive on one day and 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 are allowed to drive on the other day. This reduces the traffic on the road by half. It was first implemented in Delhi in December 2015 and January 2016. After this, it was also implemented in 2019.

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Delhi becomes a gas chamber

Every year, the level of air pollution in Delhi-NCR remains serious for several days. People have also started having respiratory complaints. Politics also remains heated regarding this pollution. In the neighboring states of Delhi, burning of stubble is blamed for this pollution, while the neighboring states blame the pollution caused by vehicles in Delhi for this. But amidst all this, Delhi becomes like a gas chamber and people start suffocating.

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