If you suddenly feel pain in this part of the stomach, do not be careless, it could be a symptom of this disease

Health News Desk,Appendicitis is also one of the fastest growing diseases in the world today. One in 20 people in America suffers from appendicitis at some point or the other. This disease has been seen more in young people aged 10-30 years. Appendicitis causes a lot of pain in the lower right part of the abdomen. The biggest problem is that most people ignore this pain considering it normal, which can become a serious cause. Therefore, there is a need to be careful in this disease. According to health experts, appendicitis can happen to anyone. Its risk is seen more in the youth. It can be avoided by identifying it in time, otherwise it can also take a serious form. Let's know about this disease…

what is appendicitis
Appendicitis occurs when the appendix becomes inflamed. If it is not identified and treated on time, there is a risk of it bursting. According to the doctor, the appendix is ​​a small pouch attached to the intestine, which is in the lower right part of the abdomen. When there is any problem in the appendix, bacteria can grow in it. This can cause pus formation, swelling and hence abdominal pain. Blood circulation can also stop due to appendicitis.

How to identify appendicitis
1. This pain starts with mild cramps in the upper abdomen or navel area, which gradually increases.
2. Sudden pain in the lower abdomen on the right side.
3. This pain increases when coughing or walking.
4. As the disease progresses, loss of appetite and mild fever may occur.
5. Abdominal bloating is always accompanied by constipation or diarrhea.

Cause of appendicitis
Infection occurs when there is a blockage in the lining of the appendix. This is known to cause appendicitis. Infection causes bacteria to grow rapidly. This causes inflammation and pus formation in the appendix. If it is not treated on time, it can burst, leading to a risk of abdominal infection.

Treatment and prevention of appendicitis
Surgery is done to cure appendicitis and it is removed. After this, antibiotics are given to the patient. Although there is no sure way to avoid appendicitis, you should still eat fiber-rich foods in your diet. This problem is more common in men than women. If there is a family history of this disease, then its risk increases even more.

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