Is fasting good for gut health? Gastroenterologist explains the pros and cons

New Delhi: Fasting is a very common practice that people do to lose weight or to stay healthy, the practice is followed by abstaining from eating or drinking anything for a certain period. Apart from that, fasting can be of various forms like intermittent fasting (not eating anything for alternating periods of fasting and eating) or extended fasting (abstaining from food for multiple days). According to various studies, fasting is known to reduce gut inflammation and can help to increase the diversity of gut microbes, including “good” bacteria which can help regulate gut function.

Dr Pratik Tibdewal, Consultant Gastroenterologist, Wockhardt Hospitals Mira Road shared with News9“It is also known to improve gut motility, ensuring a regular and healthy bowel movement. Fasting is believed to help ones with conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and improve nutrient absorption, regulate appetite, and aid in weight management. Though, it is believed that fasting helps increase gut microbiome diversity and metabolism efficiency, it may not necessarily have positive effects every time. though, fasting is not an option when you fall sick.”

Benefits and precautions to take for fasting

According to Dr Tibdewal, “One cannot fast just to avoid taking medication to rest the gut and recover. Even though, it is believed that everything (every disease or condition) has an association with the gut. Fasting is not a solution. One has to consult an expert and take medication before the condition worsens further. Though, fasting will heal the gut, avoiding eating can cause fatigue, headaches, acidity, dehydration, malnutrition, weakness, nausea and vomiting, constipation, sleep disorders, bloating, and lightheadedness.”

“It is essential to consult an expert and avoid fasting in case of any health problems. Do as the doctor says and take medication prescribed by the doctor. It is better to avoid following any advice on social media that claims to fast for a day or two and allowing the gut to heal is a cure for every ailment. This claim will need a thorough evaluation though.”

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