Don't let stubborn water stains on the bucket embarrass you, try these hacks: Bucket Cleaning Hacks

Don't let stubborn water stains on the bucket embarrass you, try these hacks

Bucket Cleaning Hacks: You can try some simple cleaning hacks to clean the stains on the bucket. Let's know about some simple hacks in this-

Bucket Cleaning Hacks: The bucket kept in the bathroom is often filled with water, due to which stubborn marks are left in it. You may feel right using this type of bucket, but when someone Guest When we come home, such a dirty bucket can embarrass us. Therefore, it becomes very important to clean the water stains. So that you do not get embarrassed in front of others. Ashamed So that this does not happen. In this article, we will tell you some easy hacks, with the help of which you can clean water stains properly. Let us know what are the easy hacks to clean water stains properly?

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Bucket Cleaning Hacks
Baking Soda

Vinegar has acidic properties, which help in removing water stains. To clean the bucket, first mix vinegar and baking soda in a bucket and apply it on the stained area. After about 10-15 minutes, scrub it and clean it. After this, clean the bucket by adding water, this will make your dirty bucket shine.

The citric acid present in lemon helps in cleaning water stains. Rub lemon juice on the bucket and leave it for 10-15 minutes, then wash your bucket with normal water. Washing the bucket like this once a week will make your bucket look sparkling.

Apply white toothpaste on an old brush and rub it on the stained part of the bucket. The mild friction of the toothpaste helps in removing the stain. You must try this hack once


If the stains are very old and deep, bleach can be used. Mix some bleach in water and pour it in a bucket and leave it for some time. Then scrub well and wash.

Soda water (carbonated water) has bubbles that help loosen the stain. Pour it directly on the stain and scrub after a while. This can clean your bucket much better.
With these easy home remedies, you can make your bucket clean and shiny like new and get rid of stubborn stains.

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