Now the car will fly in the sky, the world's first flying car is ready!

Flying Car. Imagining a flying car is like a dream in itself, but this dream has come true. It has turned into a reality. The world's first flying car has been made. This company has made this flying car, which claims that now its flying car is ready to come in the global market as well.

The world's first flying car

California-based company Alef Aeronautics is ready to bring a flying car to the market soon. The company has claimed that it will start production of the car by the year 2025. Alef's Model A is set to change history in the world of the auto industry. If it comes to the global market, people will be able to see and live the mere fantasy turning into reality.

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Trust of Alef Aeronautics

When the company talked about making a flying car 1 year ago, people did not believe it. People said that this is a very big project and it raises many questions. At the same time, according to the information available so far, the price of this car is being said to be three lakh dollars, although no official confirmation has been made yet.

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FAA gives approval for flying car

Alef Aeronautics is claiming that so far 3200 pre-orders have been received for the car Model A, after which it is being believed that it will be certified. The company claims that it has also received a special airworthiness certificate from the US Federal Aviation Administration for the car. This certificate has increased people's confidence in flying the car.

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