1-1-1-1 marriage rules will spice up even the old relationship, know what is special in it: Marriage Rules

Marriage Rules: Marriage is a huge responsibility which is as difficult to fulfill as it is exciting. To run a married life smoothly, you need to give your partner enough time, love and respect. This is the reason that many times lack of time becomes the reason for conflict and rift between partners. These days 1-1-1-1 marriage rules are becoming quite popular among young couples. Through these marriage rules, you can always keep your relationship new and young. This rule can be adopted not only by young couples but also by old married couples. After all, what are 1-1-1-1 marriage rules and how can it spice up your relationship, let's know about it.

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Why is the 1-1-1-1 marriage rule necessary

Marriage Rules
Why is 1-1-1-1 marriage rule important?

In today's busy life, it has become challenging to prioritize and nurture relationships. This is the reason why the love and attraction between husband and wife gets buried under responsibilities. In such a situation, the 1-1-1-1 marriage rule can bring new enthusiasm and spark to your relationship. In this, couples take out one day in a week or one day in a year for their love and romance. Through this, small efforts made by couples can strengthen the relationship. Not only this, these marriage rules can prove to be a milestone in difficult times.

1 week vacation

To maintain the freshness in the relationship, couples should go on vacation for about a week every year. Do not take friends or children on this vacation. This time allows a person to refresh themselves, relax and focus on themselves. Also, this vacation can provide self-care, time for personal reflection and freedom from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Apart from this, couples also get a chance to spend quality time with each other.

1 Date Night

The second component of this marriage rule is 1 date night. In this, a date night can be planned once a week without any disturbance. This includes going out for a romantic dinner, watching a movie, going on a long drive or spending time together at home. Spending 1 date night a week keeps the spark alive in the relationship. The emotional connection is strengthened and the partners get a chance to develop the relationship.

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1 Intimate Connection

Benefits of 1-1-1-1 marriage rulesBenefits of 1-1-1-1 marriage rules
1 intimate connection

As the relationship between husband and wife grows older, physical distance also starts to develop between them. Intimate connection is also included one day a week under these marriage rules. This can give couples a chance to come closer emotionally and physically. With this, couples can strengthen their relationship by giving priority to each other's needs.

1 hour no screen

This is a very important rule under which you can give one hour of quality time to your partner every day. During this time, do not use the phone or screen at all. During this time, you can share your experiences or feelings with each other. This will also promote your mutual understanding.

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