Government job and struggle of youth: Government Job and Struggle

Government Job and Struggle: It is possible to achieve anything in life only when life is possible. It is not possible in any case that anything can be bigger than life because you will be able to enjoy your beautiful dreams only when life is there. It is also said that if there is life, then there is the world. In such a situation, the challenges that come in the way of dreams cannot be ignored.

We all have a dream in life. Dream means our goal due to which there is some curiosity in our life. If a person does not have any goal in his life, then his life becomes dull. This is the reason that a person identifies the purpose of his life and fulfills his goal. Life seems meaningful only when there is a purpose in life. But have you ever thought how bad it would be if you are not able to succeed in your goal, in such a situation you look for another opportunity in which you may be able to do better. But what if you are not even able to reach the option of being successful or unsuccessful. Yes, this can also happen. Attention is drawn towards the recent accident in Delhi which not only made Delhi but the whole country lose sleep. It was also inevitable that this would happen, in such a situation hardly anyone can sleep peacefully. These children who died by drowning in rain water not only question their institutions but also question their system that what is the value of their life. The loss of life of these children raises many kinds of questions in the mind. Many people have raised questions on this incident on social media. These include common people as well as famous people. Some hold the administration responsible for the death of students while some are advising the students to do something other than government jobs.

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no one is responsible

Government Job and Struggle
no one is responsible

There is a word 'responsibility' which is very strong in its meaning and the person who fulfills it is like a very big personality in himself. You cannot trust a person who does not fulfill it. It is not your fault, we have been hearing since childhood that 'Hey friend, don't talk about so and so, he is not a responsible person', in this way we do not respect a person who does not take responsibility even in our behavior. Imagine in such a society three students have died and till now no one has taken responsibility, neither the administration, nor the coaching center. This ball of responsibility is being tossed from one to another's lap. It is terrible that students spend their money to study in a far away city and lose their lives. In such a situation, their classmates also think that why responsibility is not taken. Protests are going on in the capital but whether this will stop happening in the future or not, this question worries. In such a situation, such suggestions also came that why do children want to do government jobs, after all what will they get from this? So let's know the answer to this question as well.

why only government job

This question is repeated many times. Students often have to face the question that why do you want to do a government job! There are many other good courses to build your future, so why should you choose only a government job? Many such questions are sometimes asked by relatives and sometimes by friends. In such a situation, students see the hope of a bright and secure future in a government job, so they choose it. When you will not be able to choose a secure future for yourself with your qualification in your life, then how secure will you feel in such a situation. The first need of our education is that we can earn our livelihood. Many children in the country choose a government job to improve the condition of their home. This question disturbs them. When someone asks them why only a government job, can something else also be done? So in such a situation, it remains in their mind that this will improve the condition of their home. At the same time, the question also comes that what is the demand of time. How much time of life can you give to a government job. Because while it is true that after getting a government job, the circumstances become better, it is also true that depending on it is also doing injustice to oneself. In such a situation, it is important to have an option. Along with this, it is also important to be skilled in it. In this way, you can make good use of your time. Therefore, it is important to work hard but this is not the final option.

what the gurus say

We listen to many motivators on social media whose few seconds of reel fills the mind with enthusiasm that we will definitely do whatever we decide. Many of these motivators are teachers who teach the students and keep encouraging them. Students also have complaints against these teachers who teach them by encouraging them but did not stand with them. Due to their protest, we also saw how the teachers gave their clarification in front of everyone through social media. In such a situation, some apologized and some had to seal the illegal library. But amidst all this, do we think what is the importance of someone's trust or trust has remained just an emotion, it has no recognition. The trust of the students on their teachers that they will be with them in their crisis or the trust of the students on their administration that they will not lose their life due to studying, all this seems hollow when your classmates are suffering such hardships. It can be accepted that government job is not the only option, apart from this, something else should also be chosen, it is not right to suffer by living in a bad system but it is also important to note that it is not right to ignore the system under any circumstances. Nothing should happen at any place where there is a danger to life, be it a coaching center or a school or any other institution.

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