There are many small insects on the face, experts told the reason for washing the face | News India – ..

1 hour ago
Health & Fitness

99 percent of people wash their face first thing in the morning after waking up, which makes them feel fresh. But do you know that there are many small insects on the face. Yes, know what scientists say. There are millions of such organisms around us, which we cannot see with open eyes. These bacteria, viruses or other small organisms are visible only with the help of a microscope.

According to experts, there are many small organisms on our face. When a person wakes up in the morning, he should wash his face with water.

According to experts, there are many small organisms on our face. When a person wakes up in the morning, he should wash his face with water.

According to information, just like there are organisms present on many other parts of our body, there are organisms on the face as well. These organisms are present in the roots of facial hair.

According to information, just like there are organisms present on many other parts of our body, there are organisms on the face as well. These organisms are present in the roots of facial hair.

According to the Vox website, these creatures belong to the spider and wasp species. US Department of Agriculture scientist Ron Ochoa, while talking to the website, said that 99.9 percent of people have these insects on their faces.

According to the Vox website, these creatures belong to the spider and wasp species. US Department of Agriculture scientist Ron Ochoa, while talking to the website, said that 99.9 percent of people have these insects on their faces.

Although they are mostly present on our face, after this they are also present in the roots of the hair of the body. There are millions of insects on the human body. At night, these insects come out of the roots and increase the population by mating.

Although they are mostly present on our face, after this they are also present in the roots of the hair of the body. There are millions of insects on the human body. At night, these insects come out of the roots and increase the population by mating.

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