'My God' Online Gaming made this student bankrupt, he had a debt of 96 lakh rupees, know the whole matter

Tech News Desk – Ever since the reach of the internet and smartphones has increased, the craze of online gaming has also increased rapidly. In today's time, online gaming has become a major means of entertainment among the youth. Although it seems quite interesting, many cases of its disadvantages and scams have also come to the fore. Meanwhile, a case of online gaming addiction came to light, which surprised everyone. Due to online gaming, a student got into a debt of Rs 96 lakh. You have hardly ever heard of such a big case of debt due to online gaming before. This case may be enough to explain how dangerous the growing addiction of online gaming can be for children and youth. Let us give you complete information about this matter.

Online gaming scam shocked the whole country
Actually, this shocking case of online gaming addiction and the damage caused by it is of Himanshu Mishra, a resident of Bihar. What Himanshu revealed about online gaming has shocked the whole country. Whoever heard Himanshu's story could not believe it at once. Himanshu is just 22 years old, but now he is in debt of Rs 96 lakh.

Due to debt, family members left him
Himanshu's life has completely changed due to his addiction to online gaming. He would have never thought that he would ever have to face such circumstances. For online gaming, Himanshu cheated his family and acquaintances and took a loan of Rs 96 lakh on himself. Now the situation is such that Himanshu's family members have also left him.

Himanshu is not an illiterate person. He had scored 98 percent marks in IIT JEE. His family was also proud of his achievement. But now the situation has become such that the family has stopped worrying about Himanshu. During the podcast program, Himanshu told that he had adopted online gaming only for entertainment and started it with just Rs 49. But later he got so addicted to it that he fraudulently withdrew Rs 28,000 from his mother's account and Rs 88,000 from his father's account.

money withdrawn fraudulently
Not only this, Himanshu also lost the fees deposited for B.Tech in online gaming. Himanshu told that he had borrowed Rs 20,000 from a person, which he returned after the amount doubled. After this, the person trusted Himanshu and gave him his mobile phone and he kept withdrawing money from his account and investing it in online gaming. The person had saved this money for his sister's wedding. Himanshu told that he kept losing continuously and gradually became a debtor of Rs 96 lakh.

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