Know the cheapest and easiest way to clean the carpet at home, the carpet will shine like new.

The festive season is about to start. Now big festivals are coming one after the other. In such a situation, the women of the house are busy in cleaning, so that there is no shortage in welcoming the mother.

But, let us tell you, the biggest problem of the women of the house is cleaning the carpet. As nice as the carpet laid on the floor of the house looks, it is equally difficult to clean it.

If you have not cleaned the carpet of your house for years, then it will definitely take some effort to clean it, but by adopting the right methods, you can clean it in a jiffy. Let us know, easy tips to clean carpet.

baking soda

According to experts, sprinkle baking soda on the carpet and leave it for a few hours. Baking soda absorbs odors and freshens the carpet. A mixture of water and vinegar is also beneficial. Put it in a spray bottle and spray it on the carpet, then blot the stains with a soft cloth. Vinegar not only helps remove stains, but it also kills bacteria.

steam cleaning

Steam cleaning is a great method for deep cleaning carpet. If you have a steam cleaner, use it. This helps in removing the dirt, dust and bacteria accumulated in the carpet. Steam cleaner not only removes stains but also disinfects the carpet.

Clean with vinegar and lemon

You can use lemon or vinegar to clean stubborn stains in carpet. Rub the stained area of ​​the carpet with vinegar or lemon. This can remove stains.

clean with detergent

You can use detergent to wash carpet at home. For this, make a solution of detergent and pour it on the entire carpet. Now clean it with the help of a soft brush. Never use a hard brush to clean carpet.

dry in the sun

Drying the carpet in the sun is also a good option. If the carpet is small then it can be kept outside in the sun. Sunlight eliminates odor and bacteria from carpet. After keeping it in the sun, clean it once again with a vacuum cleaner so that the dust that has come in the sun is also removed.

Keep cleaning the carpet regularly so that too much dirt does not accumulate. Use a vacuum cleaner every week and use baking soda or vinegar from time to time. Regular care prolongs the life of your carpet and keeps it always looking clean and new.


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