How to Beat Crazed Tank in Battle Cats

The Crazed Tank stage in Battle Cats is notoriously challenging, even for experienced players. Known for its incredible defense and high health pool, the Crazed Tank Cat poses a significant obstacle that can only be defeated with the right strategy, lineup, and timing. Here’s how you can overcome this tough opponent and add the Crazed Tank Cat to your army.

Credits – PocketGamer

Understanding the Crazed Tank Cat

Before diving into the strategy, it’s important to understand what you’re up against. The Crazed Tank Cat boasts an enormous health pool, approximately 3.2 million HP, and is immune to knockback, making it a resilient enemy to defeat. Its attacks are powerful enough to push your army back if you’re not careful. The key to success lies in a strong balance of meatshields and damage-dealing cats

Lineup for Success

A well-organized lineup is crucial to winning this battle. You need a combination of meatshield units to absorb the damage and stall the enemy, as well as high-damage units to slowly whittle down the Crazed Tank Cat’s health. Here’s a breakdown of what your team should look like:

  1. Frontline Meatshields:

    • Macho Cat
    • Wall Cat
    • Crazed Macho Cat (if unlocked)
    • Samba Cat
  2. These units are essential for stalling the Crazed Tank and other enemies that spawn alongside it. Their role is to provide a continuous defense, ensuring that your damage-dealing cats remain protected for as long as possible​
  3. Backline Damage Dealers:

    • Bahamut Cat: This is one of your most important units. Bahamut deals a tremendous amount of damage from a safe distance, making it crucial for the later stages of the fight.
    • Valkyrie Cat
    • Dragon Cat or Lizard Cat: These units have great range and can hit the Crazed Tank Cat without putting themselves in danger.
  4. Your backline units are responsible for delivering the damage that will eventually defeat the Crazed Tank Cat. Ensure that these units are kept safe behind your wall of meatshields

Key Power-ups and Strategies

Using the right power-ups and tactics can make a huge difference in this battle. Here are a few that can be game-changers:

  1. Sniper the Cat: This power-up can be invaluable. It helps knock back enemies, allowing your units more time to deal damage without being overwhelmed. Given the Crazed Tank’s immunity to knockback, it’s still useful against the other enemies in the stage​
  2. Cat Cannon: Using the Cat Cannon strategically can help in pushing back groups of enemies when they get too close. Timing it right is essential, as it can buy precious seconds for your damage-dealers to continue attacking without interruption​
  3. Cat CPU: This can automate unit deployment, but you should only turn it on after establishing your money-making units and summoning Bahamut. Otherwise, it could waste resources too early in the battle
  4. Rich Cat: This power-up boosts the amount of money you generate, allowing you to deploy your strongest units faster. This can be particularly helpful in getting Bahamut on the field as soon as possible​

Battle Flow and Timing

Timing is everything in the Crazed Tank battle. You need to stall as much as possible in the early stages to gather money. Avoid rushing the enemy base at the start. Instead, focus on summoning as many meatshields as you can to keep the enemies at bay while building up your reserves.

When you’re ready, start summoning your backline attackers like Bahamut and Dragon Cat. The Crazed Tank’s health takes time to chip away due to its high HP, so patience is key. Focus on protecting Bahamut by constantly replenishing your meatshields, and use your Cat Cannon and Sniper Cat to keep enemies at a distance​

Additional Tips

  1. Handle the Supporting Enemies: The Crazed Tank stage also includes other challenging enemies like the Owlbrows and gorillas. These units can push your lines back quickly if not managed properly. Use your Cat Cannon to handle the Owlbrows when they get too close​
  2. Timing Your Bahamut: Bahamut is your most valuable asset in this battle, but it can only withstand two knockbacks before going down. Be careful not to let Bahamut get too close to the frontlines, as the Crazed Tank Cat can easily knock it out
  3. Restart if Necessary: If your Bahamut gets knocked out early in the fight, it might be wise to restart the battle. A failed early run can put you at a significant disadvantage, wasting your time and resources​

Beating the Crazed Tank Cat in Battle Cats is a test of patience, timing, and strategy. By focusing on a strong balance of meatshields and backline attackers, along with the strategic use of power-ups, you can defeat this tough enemy. Remember, the Crazed Tank battle is a marathon, not a sprint—maintain your defenses, manage your resources, and chip away at its health steadily to achieve victory.

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