Control food cravings: Food Craving Control

Food Craving Control: If your cravings are troubling you regularly, then understand that it is leading you towards addiction. In such a situation, it is important that you know the measures to control hunger-

When nature turns towards mild cold, it seems that only pakodas dipped in the oil of the pan can satisfy our hunger. The fact is that it is not our hunger, but our craving to eat that thing. Cravings are very easy to spot because we do not choose healthy food to satisfy our cravings (would you ever choose to eat cabbage or cauliflower to satisfy your cravings). To eliminate our cravings, we choose only food items containing high fat and sugar. We need to know more about how we can control our cravings.
Have you ever noticed that when you eat fried food, you have cravings for more food, and if you ever eat sweets, the cravings increase even more. This happens because foods like fat, sugar, salty foods, caffeine and alcohol release chemicals called opioids into our blood, which attach to receptors in our brain and provide a feeling of satisfaction and pleasure and, in a way, release the chemical. Also create imbalance. On the other hand, if we talk about natural foods like fruits and vegetables, they keep our food cravings under control.

Also read: Avoid eating excessive fried and cooked food: Avoid Fried Food

Well, if we look at it, in reality we do not feel hungry, it is all a game of cravings. It is born in our mind. At the time of craving, we have to satisfy our hunger more through desire than actual hunger. Well, when you have a craving for something, the hunger for food is not coming from your stomach, but from your brain (at that time you do not need it but want it).

Often something or the other keeps going on in our mind due to cravings. For example, we like to eat something sweet after having dinner at night. Instead of giving up this habit, you can also choose a healthy option. Eat a cold melon regularly, which is equivalent to one laddu or
Even better.

You should never bring chocolate cake or any other thing that you like in your mind, try to deny yourself such things. By doing this you will soon end the habit of craving. To eliminate cravings from your body, drink a cup of hot cocoa, as it works better in reducing cravings.

Often hormonal imbalance, low blood sugar or poor digestion can cause low serotonin, which sends signals to the brain. Usually in these cases, carbohydrates are sought, which supply tryptophan (hhhh4shhshhhshshdhdddhdh), with the help of which the secreted serotonin (hhydgshhmdghhldg hydghhmshhhlshshthdbhth) (happiness chemical) is formed.

Sometimes cravings also occur due to lack of nutritious food. Whenever magnesium or B complex becomes low, our body is tempted to eat chocolate. At such times, either take a small piece of chocolate or make almonds, cashews and sunflower seeds (all these are magnesium rich foods) a part of your diet.

Similarly, craving for salt indicates damage to the thyroid or adrenal glands. People who have low calcium, potassium or iron deficiency have more craving for salty foods. Find the right treatment for your problem or disease rather than letting it reoccur in your body again and again.

Instead of giving up this habit, you can also choose a healthy option. Eat a cold melon regularly, which is equivalent to a laddu.

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