The black kind of magic has worked on the farmers, if they are first in earning then it is not a panacea for diseases..

Bhopal :- Sharbati black variety of wheat can be a sure shot solution to control diabetes. You may not like the black color of this wheat, but its many elements can protect you from many diseases including diabetes. This black wheat is also being grown in Malwa region of Madhya Pradesh. Due to its medicinal properties, it is in great demand and is also making farmers rich. Many researches have found that black wheat rotis are proving to be a panacea for diabetic patients.

Black wheat is a panacea for diabetes

Ayurvedacharya Dr. Shashank Jha says, “Eating only wheat rotis for a long time is considered harmful in the long run, because gluten is found in plain wheat. Because of this, after a long time it creates hindrance in producing insulin in the body. Therefore, coarse grains are given priority in Ayurveda. Especially barley bread and other coarse grains are considered very beneficial. Similarly, the production of black wheat is increasing now. It contains high amount of anthocyanin which keeps away many diseases including blood sugar. Actually, black wheat contains a pigment called anthocyanin, due to which its color is black. “Its nutritional value increases due to anthocyanin.”

Protection from many diseases other than diabetes

Dietician Dr. Amita Singh says, “Like millets or green grains, consuming black wheat also proves beneficial. It can be eaten in the form of roti, porridge. It is considered beneficial compared to normal wheat. Coarse grains have high fiber content, which keeps our digestive system better. They are rich in iron and calcium. Consuming coarse grains keeps the amount of cholesterol in the body under control. Ragi and jowar are better useful for diabetic patients. These slow down the speed of absorption of carbohydrates in the body. All these grains have low glycemic index, which tells how quickly the food eaten increases the amount of sugar in the blood.

Agricultural scientists do not consider black wheat special

Retired Farm Director of Jabalpur Jawaharlal Nehru Agricultural University, Dr. R. S. Shukla says, “Black wheat may have become popular but scientifically there is no additional element in it that can be called special. Just as there is red and yellow variety in wheat, similarly there is also black wheat. Dr. R.S. Shukla says, “This crop is not even notified in Madhya Pradesh. Of course, this wheat has become popular but it has nothing to do with nutrition- It is not to be given, only its color is black.”

Production takes place in Ujjain-Indore, procurement takes place privately instead of the market.

Regarding the production of black wheat in Madhya Pradesh, SV Saiprasad, former director of the Wheat Research Center and senior agronomist, says, “A few years ago, this wheat was developed and released in Karnal, which was subjected to wheat research before being released as a variety. The Center had kept it for investigation. The good thing is that there is no caterpillar in black wheat, at present this wheat is being grown by some farmers of Ujjain and Indore region apart from Vidisha, which is not sold in the market but is sold privately. However, the nutritional value of this wheat is also similar to the wheat grown in other areas of Madhya Pradesh. However, nowadays it is sold at a higher price by calling it nutritious.” Black wheat is sold in the market for up to Rs 8000 a quintal.

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