Include fruits in your diet that help in reducing high BP.

Many fruits available in the summer season are not only delicious but are also very beneficial for health. Some of these fruits also help in controlling high BP. Let us know about some such fruits:

1. watermelon

  • Full of water: Watermelon has a high amount of water, which helps in keeping the body hydrated.
  • Good source of potassium: Potassium plays an important role in controlling blood pressure. Watermelon contains high amount of potassium.
  • Rich in Antioxidants: Watermelon contains antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals.

2. Mango

  • Treasure of Potassium: Mango also contains good amount of potassium which helps in controlling blood pressure.
  • Good source of Vitamin C: Along with strengthening immunity, Vitamin C is also good for heart health.

3. Kiwi

  • Rich in Potassium and Vitamin C: Both potassium and vitamin C are found in sufficient quantities in kiwi.
  • Enzyme Actinidin: Kiwi contains an enzyme called actinidin. It may help reduce blood pressure.

Other tips for high BP patients:

  • regular exercise: Exercise at a moderate pace for 30 minutes daily.
  • stress management: Reduce stress with techniques like yoga, meditation or deep breathing.
  • Reduce salt intake: Eating too much salt can increase blood pressure.
  • Maintain a healthy weight: Excess weight can be a cause of high BP.
  • Visit a doctor regularly: Get your blood pressure checked regularly and follow your doctor's advice.


  • This information is for general information only and should not be taken as any medical advice.
  • Always consult your doctor for any health problems.

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