Yuvraj Singh told that this actress had followed him in Australia, the cricketer had to wear ladies shoes

Yuvraj Singh Throwback Dating Actress: Yuvraj Singh, famous as Sixer King in the cricket world, is in discussion on social media these days. Recently, Yuvraj Singh made such a revelation during a podcast, the video of which is becoming increasingly viral on social media. In which he has talked openly about one of his affairs, although the cricketer has not revealed the name of his girlfriend in the podcast. Yuvraj Singh told a funny incident of that time, how he had to leave the hotel wearing his girlfriend's shoes, and at the airport he was trying to hide the shoes in his bag.

The actress had arrived while chasing Yuvraj.

Yuvraj Singh told in a podcast that I was dating an actress during the Australia tour, I would not like to take her name. However, Yuvi told that even today she is a big and experienced actress. He said, the actress was shooting in Adelaide at that time and I told her not to meet me for some time because I have to focus on the Australia tour. We will stay away from each other for some time, you focus on your career and I focus on mine. Further, Yuvraj tells that when I started leaving from there, she followed me and boarded the bus and followed me to Canberra. She started telling me that I want to spend time with you.

Yuvraj Singh left the hotel wearing ladies shoes

After which we both stayed in a hotel and I explained a lot to her. Yuvraj further says that when I had to leave for my practice in the morning, the actress packed my bag. I couldn't find my shoes, so I hurriedly wore her pink shoes and came out. After which everyone made fun of me in the bus, when I came to the airport, I was trying to hide the shoes from my bag. This video of Yuvraj Singh is becoming increasingly viral on social media.

At the same time, fans have started speculating whether the actress being mentioned is Deepika Padukone. Because there was a lot of talk about Deepika and Yuvraj's affair at one time. As Yuvi hinted that she is an experienced and big actress of today's times, here too Deepika's name fits perfectly. At present it has not been revealed whether it was Deepika or someone else.

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