Do not ignore these dreams in Pitru Paksha: Know the hidden signs behind them

Analysis of dreams during Pitru Paksha is considered an important process, through which it can be found out whether your ancestors are happy or angry with you. According to mythological beliefs, seeing ancestors in dreams has a deep meaning.

Meaning of seeing ancestors crying: If you see your ancestors crying or sad in your dream, it is a serious warning. This indicates that some big crisis is going to come in your life or there may be some obstacle in your career. In this situation, it is necessary to perform Pind Daan and prayers for your ancestors, so that with their blessings you can avoid the upcoming problems.

Seeing yourself trapped: If you are stuck at some place in your father's house from which it is difficult to get out, it symbolizes that you have made a mistake in offering to the ancestors. It shows that your ancestors are not satisfied with you and to rectify this you should perform tarpan in proper method.

Disappearance of ancestors: If ancestors appear in your dreams and then suddenly disappear, it is an inauspicious sign. It shows that some big danger is looming in your life. In this situation, one should pray for the peace of the ancestors by lighting a lamp in the south direction of the house.

Asking for food from ancestors: If your ancestors demand food in your dream, it is a sign that they are angry with you. It means that you have not provided proper food or tarpan for them. In this situation, you should offer food and prayers specifically offered to the ancestors.

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