Saints angry over Rahul Gandhi's statement calling Ayodhya Ram Mandir Pran Pratistha as dance and song, BJP also attacked

New Delhi. Congress MP Rahul Gandhi, while targeting BJP during the assembly election campaign in Haryana, while referring to the Pran Pratishtha program of Ram temple in Ayodhya, said that dancing and singing were going on there. Controversy has now started on this statement of Rahul Gandhi. While on one hand Sant Samaj has condemned Rahul Gandhi, on the other hand BJP is also attacking the Congress MP.

Acharya Satyendra Das, the chief priest of Ayodhya Shri Ram Temple, said, 'Jaki rahi bhavana jaisi, Prabhu murat dekhi tin taisi', which means that one sees God in the same way according to one's feelings. In the eyes of Rahul Gandhi, Pran Pratistha is a gimmick and dance-song but in the eyes of the devotees, it was the 'Pran Pratistha' of their God. Congress has been denying the existence of Shri Ram since the beginning, hence its leaders will give such statements. It is not right for God to make such statements, it will be heavy for him.

At the same time, Mahant Raju Das of Ayodhya Hanumangarhi condemned Rahul Gandhi and said that his intellect has gone haywire. Congress has always been anti-Sanatan, it did not want the temple to be built from the beginning, that is why its leaders are giving such statements again and again.

On the other hand, Madhya Pradesh CM Mohan Yadav said, Rahul Gandhi does not have the right to insult crores of Hindus, he should apologize. BJP leader Aparna Yadav says that Lord Ram is an ideal for the entire country and Ram temple had to be built. Rahul Gandhi will have to pay for making such statements and he should apologize to the country.

BJP leader Tirath Singh Rawat said, perhaps Rahul Gandhi has not yet understood Indian culture. When he will be able to understand Indian culture, he will know that common people were involved in that festival. That day of Pran Pratishtha ceremony was a day of celebration and everyone was engrossed in the devotion of Lord Rama.

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