If you want to move your old relationship forward then these tips will be useful.

Lifestyle News Desk, Letting go of the past can be a painful experience, requiring patience and flexibility. It is a conscious effort to let go of the past while moving forward. We can't hold ourselves back, allowing ourselves to cling to past hurts and ruin our future prospects. We've all been hurt or gone through major heartbreaks or experienced some kind of emotional pain. . The important thing to remember is that this is all temporary and bad days don't last forever. Life is made up of ups and downs, highs and lows and it's all a bunch of good and bad days, that's what makes life worth living. Here are 5 ways you can forget the past and free yourself from the effects of painful past. Can fix.

practice living mindfully

Learn to live in the present and avoid thinking too much. Think only about the things that matter in the moment and don't worry about the past or the future. The fewer thoughts you bring into your mind, the better. Try to lose control over things that are out of your control and have the freedom to choose happiness and good thoughts,

be gentle with yourself

Learn to be gentle with yourself and choose to be kind to yourself and others too. Don't criticize yourself or overanalyze a situation. Be kind and compassionate in your words and actions, not only with others but also with yourself.

be patient with time

Understand that moving forward takes time. It is a slow process in which you have to go through all kinds of emotions and feelings. Stay in the flow and be patient with yourself. Don't let it be time bound, moving forward doesn't happen overnight. It takes months or even years to recover completely. Let it take its time.

Take this time to focus on yourself

This is the best time to indulge in self-care and pamper yourself. Take time for yourself and take this time to indulge in a specific hobby or start a passion project that you have wanted to do for so long. Do things that bring you immense happiness and comfort and put your needs first before others. Learn to be a little selfish and focus on your mental peace.

express your feelings

One of the most important things when moving forward is to express your feelings and allow yourself to be vulnerable. Don't be closed or reserved with your emotions. Talk about it more often, you can even seek therapy or professional help if needed, there is no harm in trying. Whatever you do, be consistent with your decisions.

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