Befriend and understand your young child: Youth Children and Parents

Youth Children and Parents: As your children grow up, there are often significant changes in their behavior along with their thinking and understanding abilities. In such a situation, parents have to keep in mind that it is very important to understand what is going on in their mental condition. Because many times parents do not pay attention to children at such a time when children need a friend. You have to keep in mind that you yourself can become a good friend to your young children. So that you can know his thoughts and he can explain his point to you.

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share things

If you share your thoughts with your children, you will be able to understand the ups and downs in their mind. Because many times children are trapped in a lot of dilemma and do not understand what to do. And parents who are busy with their own things do not even realize in which direction the child is going. In such a situation, it is important that when the child tells you something, listen to him like a friend and give him the right suggestions. Due to this, the child does not hesitate in telling his thoughts to his parents. He also hopes that his parents will support him well.

Have a small party together

You party somewhere with your young children. But in this party only your children and you are there. Because the child will not be able to enjoy that much openly with outsiders. Enjoy this party with him like a friend. He may not feel that it would have been better for him to go with his friends. Let the child plan this party on his own. This helps the child to take responsibility. Besides, he feels that his parents will like the planning he does. Also enjoy a lot with the children.

explain lovingly

Many times parents make the mistake of not understanding their child at first. And they keep scolding them on every issue, due to which the child starts staying away from them. And in such a situation, by the time the parents realize their mistake, the child goes far away from them. In such a situation, it is important that you explain to the child lovingly or in other words, explain to him as a friend. While explaining, give an example to the child that when you were in school or college, you often made such mistakes. With this the child will be able to understand the true aspects of life from your words. Because parents are the first guide for the child, in such a situation you cannot reach any conclusion just by scolding. Youthful age is such a stage in which the child can become your friend and can also be very far away from you. So in such a situation it is important that you become a friend of your young children.

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