Know how a simple routine before sleeping prevents diabetes

Our lifestyle and diet directly impact our health. According to the report published in CDC, high blood sugar can cause gastropathy. Actually, it is a condition that affects how you digest your food. Diabetes is the most well-known cause of gastropathy.

Habits before sleeping that will keep digestion and diabetes under control:

  • Have dinner on time: Have dinner at least 3 hours before sleeping. This gives sufficient time to digest the food.
  • Light food: Avoid heavy or fried food at night. Eat light and nutritious food like curd, soup, salad etc.
  • Avoiding sugar: Avoid eating sweets before sleeping as it can increase the blood sugar level.
  • drink water: Drinking a glass of water before sleeping keeps the body hydrated and improves digestion.
  • Keep distance from mobile: Avoid using mobile before sleeping. This disturbs sleep and also has a bad effect on digestion.
  • Yoga and Meditation: Doing yoga or meditation for some time before sleeping reduces stress and helps in better sleep.
  • Take bath with hot water: Bathing with hot water relaxes the body and helps in good sleep.

By adopting these habits you will get many benefits:

  • Good sleep: You will sleep well at night.
  • Improves digestion: Your digestion will remain fine.
  • Blood sugar controlled: Your blood sugar level will remain controlled.
  • Stress less: You will feel less stressed.
  • healthy body: Your body will remain healthy.

Other important points:

  • Consult a doctor: If you have any health problem then definitely consult a doctor.
  • Personalized Plan: Different things work for every person. So, make a plan according to your lifestyle.
  • Make changes gradually: Don't try to change these habits all at once. Bring changes slowly one by one.


Some simple habits before sleeping can improve your health. By including these habits in your daily routine, you can stay away from problems like digestion and diabetes.

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