The government will bring a bill in the Parliament on One Nation One Election, it will be implemented from this time…

The government is preparing to bring a bill in Parliament regarding one country, one election. According to government sources, the government will bring three bills, out of which two will be constitutional amendment bills. However, it is not yet decided whether the government will bring this bill in the upcoming winter session of Parliament or in the budget session. A decision regarding this will soon be taken at the government level. It is noteworthy that the Modi cabinet had accepted the recommendations of the Ramnath Kovind Committee on One Country, One Election. The committee's report has recommended elections in two phases. In the first phase, the committee has recommended holding elections for the Lok Sabha and the Legislative Assemblies. There itself. The committee has recommended holding local body elections in the second phase.

One of the proposed constitutional amendment bills will be to link the elections of local bodies with the Lok Sabha and Legislative Assemblies. This bill needs support from at least 50 percent of the states. Proposal to hold assembly elections along with Lok Sabha. The proposed first constitutional amendment bill has a provision to hold elections for Lok Sabha and state assemblies simultaneously. Sources say that in the proposed bill ' Sub-section (1) relating to 'due date' will be added and it provides for amendment in article 82A. Along with this, there is also a provision in this bill to end the tenure of Lok Sabha and State Assemblies.

There will be a provision to amend sub-section (2) of Article 82A. There is also a provision to amend Article 83(2). In this bill, a proposal will be made to include new sub-sections (3) and (4) related to the tenure and dissolution of the Lok Sabha. The government will bring a bill to amend the Constitution. In this bill, dissolution of assemblies and Article 327 will be amended and The words “simultaneous elections” will be included in it. However, this bill will not require the support of 50 percent of the states, whereas the second Constitution Amendment Bill will require the support of 50 percent of the state assemblies. For local body elections, the voter list prepared by the Election Commission in consultation with the State Election Commissions will be recommended and it also needs to be amended.

.Constitutionally both the Election Commission and the State Elections are separate bodies. The Election Commission conducts elections for the President, Rajya Sabha, Vice President, Lok Sabha, State Assemblies and State Legislative Councils, while the State Election Commission conducts elections for Municipalities and Panchayats. The government accepted the recommendation of the Ramnath Kovind Committee. Article in the proposed Second Constitution Amendment Bill There is a provision to add 324A. There is a provision for holding simultaneous elections for Lok Sabha and State Assemblies as well as for Municipalities and Panchayats. The third Bill is a simple Bill. This bill will amend the provisions of the laws from the Union Territories having legislature – Delhi, Puducherry, and Jammu and Kashmir. This is a simple bill and requires neither a change in the Constitution nor the support of the states. The Ramnath Kovind Committee had submitted its recommendation to the government in March, just before the announcement of the Lok Sabha elections. The Central Government has recently accepted this recommendation.

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