99% people do not know the correct way to make tea! Ayurvedic doctor told when to add tea leaves..watch video | News India – ..

Correct way to make tea: Drinking tea is a part of every Indian’s morning routine. There are many people whose day does not start without tea. If seen from Ayurvedic method, 99 percent people do not know how to make tea. Ayurvedic doctor Ankit Aggarwal has told the right way to make it, let us know how…

When most people make tea, they first place the pan on the gas and pour water in it. After this, tea leaves, ginger, sugar and milk are added to it but the Ayurvedic method is different. This will make tea tasty and healthy too.

How to make tea in Ayurvedic way
When Ankit Aggarwal’s patients ask him why you (doctor) refuse to drink tea, his answer is always that you do not know the correct way to make tea. In Ayurveda, to make tea, first of all milk should be taken, after that sugar, ginger and cardamom should be mixed in it and tea leaves should be added to it and covered with a plate. The gas should be turned off. It makes good tea and does not require much cooking.

Disadvantages of drinking too much tea
If you drink too much tea then it can harm you. Drinking too much tea prevents sleep. Drinking too much tea can cause digestive problems, if you drink tea with plenty of water then you can avoid the problem of gas and acidity. Drinking too much tea can also cause dental problems.

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