Diwali colors with new couples: Diwali Celebration

Diwali Celebration: During festivals, the minds of newly married couples are filled with many hopes and dreams, especially regarding Diwali, so here we are telling how newly married couples can make their first Diwali memorable.

There is a different excitement and enthusiasm in everyone's mind regarding the first Diwali after marriage. Everyone wants their first Diwali to be such a sweet memory that they can remember for years. Well, this is not so difficult to do, you just need to put in a little effort. Let us know, what to do to make your Diwali special-

Also read: Beliefs related to Diwali festival

Your gift will be more special to them when it has your personal touch. The best way to make your gift extra special is to make it with your own hands, whether it's a painting, a card or even getting their name embroidered on a handkerchief. Agreed, these things have become old now, but the love is the same and his feelings are also the same, so try doing this once and see, he will be very happy. Apart from this, gift a coupon for a candle light dinner, a coupon for joining a gym etc.
can give.

If you want to make this occasion of Diwali memorable, then do shopping with your mother-in-law and sister-in-law to your heart's content because if they are happy then your husband will be even more happy. Buy gifts for the whole family. Make a list of what to buy for whom in advance according to everyone's choice. Also shop for crackers and decorative items and decorate your entire house like a bride for Diwali.

Yes, on the day of Diwali, both of you have to prepare in such a way that every guest coming to see the newlywed couple will just wonder what a couple they are. Help your husband in selecting his dress and also pay attention to yourself and dress up well. Don't be afraid of wearing heavy saree and jewellery, after all it is your first Diwali after marriage.

What husband would not be heartbroken after seeing a well-groomed newlywed bride with a plate of lamps in her hand? Yes, all you have to do is to hold her heart, like secretly feeding her prasad with your own hand and offering her aarti, out of sight in the crowd of people. By doing this, the excitement that will arise between both of you will be memorable.

Well, every housewife complains that she has to do a lot of work during festivals, due to which she gets tired, so it is your first Diwali, you should not feel like this, it is important that you put in all your efforts in this work. Put your full heart and involve yourself in this. Provide full support to your beloved in cleaning and decorating the house. Both of you should do every work together and give full space to mischief and teasing, this way you will not get tired and the work will get done and you will also get a chance to fight in love.

Diwali Celebration-The path of the pet reaches the heart
the path of the stomach reaches the heart

You must have heard this saying that the way to the heart passes through the stomach, hence if you want to please your husband as well as your in-laws on Diwali, then prepare good sweets and food on the festival. If you don't know how to make much yet, then do not hesitate to take the help of your mother-in-law or YouTube in this work.

To make your first Diwali memorable, it is important to invite your neighbours, relatives and organize a party, this will also give you a chance to get to know them. In such a situation, you can also hold a pool party, in which everyone will prepare one dish each and can also order food from outside and share it among everyone.

Capture every moment of happiness in your camera. When you watch it later with your friends and family members, you will always remember this first Diwali.

The blood of those couples is the color of Diwali.The blood of those couples is the color of Diwali.
The blood of those couples is the color of Diwali.

Your repeatedly hiding in their embrace out of fear of the sound of firecrackers will disturb the tender feelings of their mind. Even if you are among people, then the experience of seeing your beloved scared of the sound of firecrackers and then removing the fear by making her feel like you in your eyes will be something different, sir.

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