Try these Ayurvedic treatments for skin related problems, you will get benefit

Skin related problems like acne, eczema, psoriasis etc. have become very common nowadays. To get rid of these problems, people use many types of chemical products, but they often have side effects. Many types of natural remedies have been given in Ayurveda for skin related problems.

Why do skin problems occur according to Ayurveda?

According to Ayurveda, skin problems are caused by accumulation of toxins in the body, poor eating habits, stress and hormonal imbalance.

Ayurvedic treatment for skin problems:

  • Diet:
    • Consume green leafy vegetables, fruits and curd.
    • Avoid fried, spicy and junk foods.
    • Drink plenty of water.
  • Herbs:
    • Use of herbs like basil, turmeric, neem, aloe vera is very beneficial in skin related problems.
    • These can be used as face pack, scrub or paste.
  • oil massage:
    • Massaging with coconut oil, almond oil or olive oil nourishes the skin and removes dryness.
  • Yoga and Meditation:
    • Doing yoga and meditation reduces stress and keeps the skin healthy.

Ayurvedic treatments for some common skin problems:

  • Acne: Applying paste of basil, turmeric and sandalwood reduces acne.
  • Eczema: Applying aloe vera gel and neem paste provides relief from eczema.
  • Psoriasis: Applying paste of turmeric and coconut oil is beneficial in psoriasis.
  • Dandruff: Dandruff is cured by grinding fenugreek seeds and applying it on hair.

When to take Ayurvedic treatment:

  • When you are not satisfied with chemical products.
  • When you have any serious skin problem.
  • When you prefer natural remedies.

Keep in mind:

  • Before starting any Ayurvedic treatment, consult your doctor.
  • If you are allergic to any herb, do not use it.
  • Along with Ayurvedic treatment, it is also very important to follow a healthy lifestyle.

Ayurvedic treatment can help you get rid of skin related problems.

For more information you can contact an Ayurvedic doctor.

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