Nikhila Sankar Interview: Kollywood calling

About her characters in all these films having a sense of conscience, Nikhila shares, “It’s more of a coincidence, really.” But for Nikhila, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t things she looks for while picking roles. “In general, I make sure that even if it’s a role with little screen time, it creates some kind of impact. There should be a scene where I get registered. I also realised I seem to prefer roles that are either funny and jolly or bold. I try my best to avoid glamorous roles. Because of some boundaries I have, I’ve even rejected some lead roles I was offered, but I think that’s okay.”

For someone who didn’t have acting dreams as a child, Nikhila seems to exhibit a sense of clarity about the kind of work she wants to associate herself with. “I choose my projects very carefully. Even though I can’t call myself a big name, I think I’ve started to lend a sense of credibility to the people who do know me. They’ve begun to expect content of a certain standard from me.” How did she reach here, being offered work at regular intervals? “I was actually pursuing engineering, and I started out wanting to become a singer, which I’m still pursuing. A friend of mine randomly suggested that I try out acting, and I did some auditioning. One thing led to another, and I landed an opportunity in a YouTube channel.”

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