Why was there a defamation case against Arvind Kejriwal and Delhi CM Atishi? Know the reason, Why Defamation Case On Arvind Kejriwal And Atishi on tweet about Agrawal vote matter in supreme court

New Delhi. The petitions of Arvind Kejriwal and Delhi CM Atishi are to be heard in the Supreme Court. This case is of defamation. BJP leader Rajiv Babbar had filed this defamation case against Aam Aadmi Party leaders including Arvind Kejriwal and Atishi. In February 2020, the trial court had considered the posts of Aam Aadmi Party leaders including Arvind Kejriwal and Atishi as defamatory. In this case, Delhi High Court also said about Aam Aadmi Party leaders including Arvind Kejriwal and Atishi that the aim of all of them was to tarnish the image of BJP. Delhi High Court had refused to quash the defamation case.

This case of defamation was made when Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal alleged through a tweet on December 8, 2018 that BJP had cut off the votes of Agarwal community. He had tweeted and said that Agarwal community has 8 lakh votes in Delhi. Out of these, 4 lakh votes were cast by BJP. Arvind Kejriwal had also written in the tweet that till date the Agarwal community was a staunch voter of BJP. This time Agarwal is angry because of demonetization and GST, so BJP got his votes cut. This tweet of Kejriwal was supported by Atishi and many Aam Aadmi Party leaders. Rajiv Babbar, who has filed a defamation case against Arvind Kejriwal, Atishi and Aam Aadmi Party leaders, accused all of them of falsely blaming them and trying to instigate people against BJP.

The Delhi High Court had asked the accused Aam Aadmi Party leaders, including Arvind Kejriwal and Atishi, to face the defamation case in the trial court. He filed a petition against this in the Supreme Court. The case of Arvind Kejriwal, Atishi and other accused is being heard by the bench of Supreme Court Justices Hrishikesh Roy and SVN Bhatti. The lawyer for the accused is Congress leader Abhishek Manu Singhvi. At the same time, Sonia Mathur is advocating on behalf of Rajiv Babbar.

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