If your child is becoming irritable then there may be deficiency of this vitamin.

Health News Desk, If irritability is increasing in your child too. If he is getting angry over every issue then you should be alert. Because changing the behavior of children in this way can cause deficiency of Vitamin B12 in their body. This vitamin is very important to improve the neurological health of the body. Its deficiency has a direct impact on the behavior of children (Vitamin B12 Deficiency). Health experts say that due to lack of food and some genetic reasons, children become deficient in Vitamin B12. To take care of children, you should also understand Vitamin B12 and children's health well.

Vitamin B12 deficiency and children's health

According to health experts, vitamin B12 deficiency can affect the neurological health of children. Problems like constant fatigue and loss of appetite are also seen in children. Deficiency of this vitamin can also cause irritability in some children. If such symptoms are seen in children, they should immediately consult a doctor.

Due to deficiency of Vitamin B12

According to experts, lack of food can impair the balance of Vitamin B12. In some cases this may also happen due to genetic reasons. If your child shows symptoms of deficiency of this vitamin, then the doctor can get his blood test done. It also indicates deficiency of Vitamin B12. Doctors can overcome the deficiency of this vitamin by giving medicines or supplements.

Ways to overcome Vitamin B12 deficiency
Give proper food to children, pay attention to it.
Include milk, eggs and fish in children's diet.
Give green vegetables and seasonal fruits to children who do not eat non-veg.

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