Amla can prove helpful in preventing not only sugar but also many other serious diseases, know its benefits…

New Delhi:- Amla is a very popular fruit. It is eaten regularly in many homes. Experts say that almost everyone knows that there are many benefits of eating Amla. Raw Amla is especially beneficial for people who suffer from cold and cough. At present, viral fever is spreading very fast, hence consumption of Amla (Indian Gooseberry) is an effective way to prevent it.

Amla is one of those food items, the consumption of which provides not just one but many health benefits. This fruit rich in nutrients provides many health benefits. It is beneficial not only for health but also for skin and hair. Know, some benefits of including it in your diet, functional and nutritional importance of Amla…

Keeps heart healthy: The antioxidants present in amla contribute to heart health by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation. Amalaki also helps in reducing cholesterol levels in the blood which can be beneficial for heart health.

Increases immunity: Amalaki, rich in Vitamin C, helps in increasing our immunity. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that helps strengthen the immune system and acts as a powerful anti-oxidant that protects cells from damage.

Beneficial for hair: Apart from health, Amalaki is also very beneficial for our hair. Make it a part of your daily routine to get black, long and thick hair. It contains many nutrients that nourish the hair follicles, strengthen the hair roots and promote hair growth. It also prevents premature graying of hair.

Keeps skin healthy: Apart from health and hair, Amla is also considered very beneficial for our skin. It is beneficial for the skin because it contains Vitamin C in abundance. It helps in collagen production increases skin elasticity and reduces signs of aging. Apart from this, the antioxidant properties present in Amla also make the skin healthy and glowing.

Helpful in controlling blood sugar levels: Some studies have shown that Amalki also helps in controlling blood sugar levels. The polyphenols present in it may help improve insulin sensitivity and regulate glucose metabolism making it potentially beneficial for diabetics.
Beauty specialist Dr. Vandana says that consuming one Indian gooseberry every day, especially in the morning, on an empty stomach can prevent many diseases. But here it is important to keep in mind that Amla should be used in controlled quantity only because consuming it in excessive quantity can be harmful to health.

Benefits of eating Amla daily

Antioxidants and Vitamin C are found in abundance in Amla, which improves metabolism and helps in preventing seasonal infections and bacterial diseases, and also keeps digestion good. Along with this, it also increases appetite.

Regular consumption of Amla is beneficial in oxidative stress and heart diseases.

Amla is also helpful in controlling the blood sugar level in the body. That is why consumption of Amla is beneficial in diabetes also.

In case of mouth ulcers, drinking gooseberry juice mixed with warm water daily is beneficial. Not only this, eating raw Amla or drinking its juice regularly keeps the gums strong and also provides relief from bad breath.

Amla also works to purify the blood, hence its consumption provides relief from skin problems like acne and also improves the complexion. Vitamin C present in it maintains the moisture of the skin and also helps in repairing damaged skin cells. Besides, anti-aging properties are also found in it.

Not only by eating but also by topical use of Amla, hair remains healthy and disease free. By applying Amla paste on hair, dry hair starts appearing thick and shiny. Besides, they also become free from dandruff and the problem of breakage and fall.

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