Avoid mobile phone addiction, otherwise it can cause major harm to health.

Avoid Mobile Addiction: Nowadays mobile phones have become an important part of our lives. We use it for everyday tasks—staying connected with friends, getting information, or getting work done. But have you thought that excessive use of mobile phone can have a bad effect on your health? Recent research has revealed that excessive use of phones can cause many serious health problems.

Use of mobile phone: advantages and disadvantages

Mobile phones have made our life very easy and convenient. With the help of Internet, we can get the information we need anywhere, anytime. But along with this, excessive use of phone can also cause many health problems. This addiction can cause not only physical but also mental problems.

risk of diseases

Electromagnetic radiation emitted from mobile phones and blue light emitted from the phone screen can harm our body. When we keep the phone near the head, its effect increases even more. Excessive phone use can cause some major health problems, such as:

Eye problems: Using the phone for a long time can cause blurring and irritation in the eyes.

➢ lack of sleep: Using the phone before sleeping at night reduces the level of melatonin hormone, which can cause difficulty in sleeping.

➢ Bad posture: Holding the phone incorrectly or looking at it with your neck bent can spoil your body posture.

➢ mental problems: Sitting for a long time, lack of physical activity and stress can increase the risk of heart and brain related diseases.

How to protect?

Now that we know how harmful excessive use of mobile phone can be, then some ways to prevent it should also be adopted:

➢ Keep away from bed: Keep your phone away from the bed while sleeping so that its use is reduced before sleeping at night.

➢ Track Screen Time: Track your phone's screen time and try to limit it.

➢ Turn off notifications: Keep unnecessary notifications off so that you do not get into the habit of checking your phone again and again.

➢ Set a specific time: Fix a specific time to look at the phone so that it does not interfere with your daily routine.

➢ Keep away from work time: Keep your phone away while studying or working so you can concentrate.


Mobile phones have made our lives easier but its excessive use can put our health at risk. Therefore, it is important that we use it thoughtfully and in a limited manner. We can avoid this problem by adopting some simple measures keeping our health in mind. Health is paramount, so it is important to change your habits.

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