Do you also scold children in front of others? Know its dangerous effects

Parenting Tips

Parenting Tips: You must have heard many people saying that it is very easy to have children, but very difficult to raise them. Actually, raising children is indeed a challenging task and the goal of every parent is to teach good values ​​and habits to their children. But often parents make a common mistake, which is scolding their children in front of others.

This not only affects the self-esteem of children. In fact, it can also have a deep negative impact on their mental health. It is believed that scolding children in front of others can have a negative impact on their emotions and personality. This may embarrass them and they may feel unsafe in their own family. Let us understand through this article what are the harms caused by scolding children in front of others.

self-confidence decreases

Childhood is indeed an important stage of development and it has a profound impact on children's mentality and self-esteem. When parents or other people scold them in front of others, it creates a feeling of embarrassment in the minds of children. This embarrassment can weaken their spirit steam. Due to which he starts considering himself inferior.

Studies show that children who are often scolded in public lose their self-confidence and start doubting their abilities. This condition can hinder their emotional and social development. Due to which they not only get separated from their peers. Rather, they also become unable to express themselves properly.

fear creeps in

Scolding children in front of others not only weakens their self-confidence but can also create permanent fear in their minds. Such children start considering their parents as the reason for their humiliation in public places which can give rise to depression and anxiety in their mind.

This situation may lead them to stay away from their parents in public places. Because they become victims of anxiety to avoid insult. As a result, children become extremely cautious about making mistakes and hence they do not like to go to public places with their parents.

trust is broken

Repeatedly scolding children in front of others reduces their trust in their parents. Children expect protective support from their parents and when they are scolded in public, this trust is broken. In this situation, children feel cheated, which affects their mental health.

When children lose trust in their parents, they start hiding their feelings and worries. They talk less and try to stay away from their parents emotionally, which creates communication gap in the family.

children become stubborn

Another serious side effect of scolding in front of others is that it can make children rebellious. When parents scold children for some habit, children often try to do that work out of stubbornness. In this way, the habits that parents are trying to improve start getting worse.

Studies show that scolding children in public for any habit or behavior without understanding the reason behind it can make that behavior worse. This kind of approach not only spoils their habits but it also hinders their social development.


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