Overcooking these foods increases the risk of cancer, avoid these mistakes: Cancer Risk Food

Overview: Overcooking these foods increases the risk of cancer, avoid these mistakes

Just as our lifestyle and eating habits affect our lives, in the same way there are some types of food items which, if overcooked, cause cancer. Today we will tell you about some food items which should be avoided over cooking.

Cancer Risk Food: The most dangerous disease in the world today is cancer. Cancer not only affects people's lives but in most of the cases it is seen that if it is not treated on time, it also leads to death. Although science has made a lot of progress, even after the treatment of cancer, many people are still suffering from cancer. Just as our lifestyle and eating habits affect our lives, in the same way there are some types of food items which, if overcooked, cause cancer. Today we will tell you about some food items which should be avoided over cooking.

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white bread cause cancer risk

Bread is a gift of western culture. These white breads contain a lot of carbohydrates and sugar and if we cook it too much, it produces harmful elements like acrylamide which causes cancer. That's why never eat bread after it has been toasted too much or avoid eating burnt bread parts.

In India, potato is a food which is loved by everyone from small children to old people. Potato is the most consumed vegetable in India. But this potato can also cause cancer if you overcook it. According to a research, if we cook potatoes on high flame then a harmful acrylamide is released from it which causes cancer. That is why it is said that whenever you cook potatoes, cook them on low flame or boil them and eat them.

fried oil

It happens in most of the people's homes that the oil in which any food is fried is reused again and again. It is our mistake that causes cancer because due to repeated heating of oil, harmful compounds and bacteria start forming in it. If you are doing this then avoid doing this. To reuse this oil, filter it properly and only then use it.

processed meat harm

Processed meat available in packets in the market is the choice of every vegetarian, but do you know how dangerous this food is for cancer. Nitrate and nitrite substances are found in these processed meats which after cooking turn into harmful elements which cause cancer. That's why cook these processed meats in a pressure cooker and avoid overcooking them.

Although fish is said to be the best source of protein, but when this fish is overcooked, it also causes cancer. Therefore, consume less fish in your diet and also avoid eating overcooked fish.

Along with this, if we heat the food too much in the oven, there is a risk of cancer and at the same time, eating in plastic utensils also creates the risk of cancer. At the same time, research also says that we should avoid eating burnt food in non-stick utensils, this also causes cancer.

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