By breathing in pollution, this part of your body gets attacked first.

Health News Desk, Delhi's air is once again becoming poisonous. On Sunday, the highest level of pollution was found in the air of the capital in 6 years. This has increased everyone's worries. A question is increasingly arising as to why exposure to or breathing in pollution is dangerous (Pollution Side Effects). Which part of the body does it affect the most? Actually, dangerous level of pollution reaches our blood through nose and ears and makes it sick. It is fatal for lungs, heart and breathing. Many studies conducted around the world have revealed that among those dying from diseases in the world, the number of deaths due to pollution is also very high. Let us know which parts of the body are attacked the most by pollution…

Why is pollution dangerous?
Actually, the thickness of a normal person's hair is 50-70 microns. Whereas the particulate matter (PM) dissolved in the air is 10 and even smaller than 2.5 microns. These dust, smoke and mixed particles of metals work to make the air poisonous. When they dissolve in air, they have harmful effects on the body.

Disadvantages of particles found in pollution

PM 2.5
These are so small that they can easily reach the body and dissolve in the blood. It is still quite a challenge to find out the presence of PM in polluted air. Due to increase in their quantity in the air, the respiratory system is first attacked. This causes itching and burning in the eyes, dryness and itching in the nose, sore throat, cough, asthma or difficulty in breathing, asthma, chronic bronchitis, damage to the lung tissue. There may be a risk of kidney damage, damage to liver tissue, cardiovascular disease and even cancer.

Side Effects of Nitrogen Oxide
There are many poisonous gases dissolved in polluted air, which are dangerous for health. One of these is nitrogen dioxide which creates smog. This gas comes out from stubble, fuel from vehicles and smoke from factories and dissolves in the air. Due to this, lung tissue can be damaged. Skin cancer can become a problem. It can block the pores and cause inflammation. Along with this, nerves can also be damaged.

carbon monoxide
This gas comes out of the fuel of vehicles and dissolves in the air. This is considered a very dangerous gas. Due to this reason eyesight decreases. Its particles work to blur the vision. Due to excessive amounts reaching the body, hearing ability can also be affected. These particles can reach the blood through breath and give rise to many dangerous diseases. Due to this, severe chest pain can also occur.

sulfur dioxide (SO2)
Sulfur dioxide is also one of the factors that pollute the air. These gases, like water, dissolve in air and make it acidic. Due to burning of fuel, excessive running of refrigerator, microwave, AC and smoke from factories, this gas dissolves in the air and makes the lungs sick. Due to this, problems like cough and wheezing can occur. It also causes great harm to the breath.

Ozone (O3)
Ozone also plays an important role in making the air polluted. Emissions from cars, power plants, industrial boilers, refineries, chemical plants and other sources react with sunlight and pollute the air. Due to this there is difficulty in breathing. This is dangerous for those working outside with asthma patients, children and the elderly. Due to this, many diseases like sore throat, difficulty in swallowing, lung infection can occur.

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