Mood swings, energy crashes? 5 signs you are high on sugar during festive season

How much sugar is too much sugar? Here are are few signs and symptoms that may indicate that your body is consuming unhealthy amount of sweet.

Ways to manage sugar cravings during festive season.

Starting with Rakshabandhan, the festive season has officially begun. We just culminated celebrating Navratri and Dussehra and Diwali is just around the corner. This is that time of the year when houses are lit up, aroma of freshly made traditional Indian delicacies mae us drool. The festive season often brings an abundance of sweets and sugary treats, making it easy to overindulge. However, excessive sugar consumption can lead to various health issues.

It is imperative to enjoy the festive fervour, enjoy the traditional gourmet experience but also maintain the border with healthy.

5 Signs you are eating too much sugar

  1. Increased Cravings for Sweets: If you find yourself constantly craving sugary foods, it could be a sign that you are consuming too much sugar. High sugar intake can lead to a cycle of cravings, as it affects your body’s insulin levels and energy balance, prompting you to seek out more sugar.
  2. Weight Gain: Consuming excess sugar, especially from sugary drinks and processed foods, can contribute to weight gain. If you notice unexplained weight gain, it might be time to evaluate your sugar intake. Sugar is calorie-dense but lacks nutritional value, making it easy to consume too many calories without feeling full.
  3. Fatigue and Energy Crashes: This is one of the major signs that you are riding high on sugar. Excessive sugar consumption can lead to fluctuating energy levels. You may experience a quick energy boost after consuming sugary foods, followed by a crash that leaves you feeling tired and lethargic. This cycle can make it difficult to maintain consistent energy throughout the day.
  4. Skin Issues: Excessive sugar can trigger skin problems such as acne or premature aging. High sugar intake may lead to inflammation and glycation, which can damage collagen and elastin in the skin.
  5. Mood Swings: Consuming too much sugar can affect your mood. The rapid spikes and drops in blood sugar levels can lead to irritability, anxiety, and mood swings. If you find yourself feeling more moody or anxious, consider evaluating your sugar intake.

5 tips to manage sugar during festive season

  • Mindful eating can help you enjoy treats without overindulging. Take time to truly enjoy festive foods, which may reduce the desire to snack mindlessly.
  • Opt for healthier dessert options, such as fruit-based desserts or dark chocolate.
  • Sometimes, thirst can be mistaken for hunger or cravings for sweets. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and reduce the likelihood of reaching for sugary snacks.
  • Be mindful of beverages that contain added sugars, such as sodas, sweetened teas, and holiday cocktails. Opt for water, herbal teas, or sparkling water with a splash of lemon instead.
  • If you know you’ll be attending holiday gatherings, plan your meals and snacks in advance. Bringing a healthy dish to share can help you control what you eat and ensure there are nutritious options available.

Being aware of the signs of excessive sugar intake and implementing these tips can help you enjoy the festive season without compromising your health. By making mindful choices, you can savour the festivities while maintaining balance in your diet. Remember, moderation is key to enjoying the holiday season healthily!

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