Parents going to PTM must ask these questions: Parents Teachers Meeting Tips

Parents going to PTM must ask these questions

Parents Teachers Meeting: Parents need to be more active in parents meeting. So that they can know about the skills of the children. Let us know what kind of questions parents should ask in PTM?

Parents Teachers Meeting Tips: PTM is an important occasion, when Parents You can chat with teachers about your children's educational progress. This is the time for children's development and Display To understand better. If you are going to your children's PTM, then definitely ask some important questions to their teacher, so that you can understand properly about your children. Let us know about some such questions in this article-

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Assess the child's performance and get feedback on his/her understanding and development in addition to grades/marks. This will let you know how your child is doing in studies and which areas need improvement.

Parents Teacher Meeting
Parents Teacher Meeting

To know in which subject the child needs more effort and in what ways he can be helped. This question will help you understand the weaknesses of the child

Get feedback about the child's study methods and habits. From this you can know how the child is behaving with other children and teachers in school.


Know how the child is behaving in class and how actively he is participating. This question tells how active the child is in the class and how much he is involved in group activities.

Find out about the child's social development and his friendships and interactions with other students. This question will guide you in the right direction so that you can support your child's learning and development at home.

These questions will help you better assess the child's academic and personal progress, as well as create harmony between school and home.

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